[SEARCH] Pls help i need a good gamemode roleplay for FiveM

I need help becouse i search a good roleplay gamemode for my server, pls help guys
I need it…


I need a roleplay gamemode for my server fivem lel ?

Typically there aren’t any “out of the box roleplay gamemodes”. You probably want to use ESX or vRP frameworks, these allow you to install plugins. Most of the plugins are roleplay oriented.

Can u linked me any post about it ?

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Thanks, but i still don’t know how to enable this esx…
I must install it on my server ?

Check out this Research Machine that should help out.

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I have no bias to either so I advise you check out both ESX and vRP as although they are both in essence the same thing (roleplay) , they both look totally different in game.

I’m looking for something simple that does not use a data base, I was thinking vrp did not use database but i was wrong, character creation, jobs. either that or find a tutorial on how to set up a database, i use to use zap hosting and it took care of the database setup, i just that server down and wanted to work on something on my home pc, then eventually move it all to a actual host .