Script Request Traffic Adjuster

Hey guys im trying to find a working Traffic Adjuster that while disable most ped cars from the server parked,driving and peds them selves if you have one please reply with link ty <3

Try this it has weather, traffic and Npc

and where do i edit the traffic here?

In the chat with the message /traffic 0.1 and so on or in ice con with the same command

is it gonna stay or no when i restart the server i have to do it again?image

who’s your host, fivem has a auto install resource

Yes it should say that when the command is entered. It should all work

it’s bugged man the whole screen is flicking like crazy

Try this native: SetVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame()

thanks man this worked

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np charrr

btw i have 1 more question do you know how can i add custom license plates on job cars?
lets say on the police job how can i add custom car plates when they spawn the car from the spawn point

Should i just copy and paste that native into the file?