SASP uniform converted for fivem

This is an all black SASP uniform pack it will replace SAHP you will need to add them to Emergency Uniform Pack|Client/Server Sided|Easy Install|UPDATE 3.9 ALPHA
this is the only i have gotten it to work with (all cedits to the eup maker^ NJD)

this uniform pack was made by a3grimreaper
And it was easily converted by me for fivem use with his permission to do so


So if this was converted, conversions aren’t allowed as there is no original content. Speaking of the original, where’s it at?

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click on a3grimreaper he made this for lspdfr and i converted for fivem with him telling me i could

Pretty sure you can’t just re-release/convert content from other spots to here. But stil, nice.

EDIT: This was wrong information. If you read this before the edit I had read the rules incorrectly and have fixed it below in a later response.

No he can’t? I’ve done this before and D0p3t was on my ass about converted content, I converted a map for people as almost everyone who tried to use it said that it wouldn’t convert. I gave full credits, original link etc…

Edit. I see the rule

Third-party mod websites. “Converting” content from a third-party website for use in FiveM (i.e. vehicles) is allowed as long as you credit the original author with a link and follow their own terms. However, the release must include original content. That is, creating a FiveM resource with only existing files is prohibited. Only exception is if said author of third-party mod is the FiveM topic creator.

Its confusing to understand because it says its allowed under the copyright shit but then says its okay if the creator allows it but it also must have some custom shit changed to it. So I guess I just didn’t understand the two put together.

I know, they need to update this sh*t lol

They should just clarify it on the DMCA section like the one posted lower on the rules. Because when people see that they got their answer and stop reading.

only reason i released and he didnt is cause he doesn’t play fivem so i did it for him as i posted proof <3

Just let the mods decide to let it stay or not. If they deem it okay then nothing will happen otherwise I am sure they will notify you with all the information you need to know.

Does not work for me

Closed for reasons discussed above :wink:

The rules are clear. If you use something from a third party site you must also provide unique content. For example by using a Tesla charging station to create an electric vehicle script or so.

Simply converting and making it “FiveM ready” is not considered original content. There are tutorials all over the forum explaining how to stream third party content.