San Andreas Department Of Justice | Apply to be staff | Upcoming Server | No Modding

Hello, I am E. Kelley the lead director of San Andreas Department Of Justice, I am here to serve FiveM role playing, this is an Upcoming server, we are in need of EVERYTHING, so please join us in a world of Fun, and Adventure, Discord is in Heavy development, so please don’t except that much on discord, anyways lets get into the server

Police Cars
We have Unmarked vehicles for Detectives only, and marked vehicles for regular cops

Crown Vic Marked - Police
Dodge Charger Marked - Police
Dodge Stealth Charger Unmarked - Detective
Hellcat Challenger UnMarked - Detective
GTR Unmarked - Detective

You will be needing to apply, and be a certain rank for Detective so please join us in some fun :slight_smile:

A stealth charger? Also why is there only unmarked units JUST for Detectives? What about Gang Units? My suggestions are that you should focus on ALL common departments. Not just police and Investigation Units. You have a nice paragraph intro but the details need alot more work.

Yeah, you have a point, i will talk to the other director about it please stick around in our discord :wink:

Duplicate of San Andreas Department Of Justice Role-Play | State Wide Patrol | Custom Cars | Non-ELS | Serious Role-Play