RZRP Community | Whitelisted | New Community

Are you interested in joining a diverse and professional roleplay community operating on the PC? RZRP is a
community in which fits this criteria and we are in desperate need of recruits to stabilise the community through it’s finest days, please find all applicant links below. Make sure you put in all your effort and detail and answer each question accurately and honestly.

What do we offer?
-CAD that is currently better than DoJ’s
-Active and Dedicated Directors and Staffing Members
-TeamSpeak Servers
-Fully working FiveM server, That is WhiteListed
-Custom SAHP and BCSO vehicles
-10 Custom add-on Civilian Vehicles
Website Link: https://sites.google.com/view/redzoneroleplay/rzrp-home

There is already an topic for this server, please adhere to the server bazaar rules, which states that every server should only have one topic.

Please continue here: https://forum.cfx.re/t/redzone-roleplay-whitelisted-community/100194