Runcode that comes with FX?

I noticed a runcode resource that came with fivem and im just wondering how the hell you use it lol ?
EDIT: Figured it out, you gotta add yourself to the admin thing in the server.cfg :confused: not sure about the web section though


On Discord it was said, by an element, that “runcode is like mtasa runcode” and it’s use was “a /run and /crun command to run arbitrary Lua, + a web page at /runcode/ on the server” additionally “the latter is the main attraction, is an example of doing web stuff in server :p”

ah okay thanks! 20chars

Yeah, just accessed it now

Mind enlighten me where I can find this runcode tool? :smiley:

It comes with an installation section of fxserver

Ooh thats why, I never update server data hehe, thanks!

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then you put your servers ip and port in url eg

like that, make sure u have the final / or it wont work!

what is runcode suppose to do?

As described in this post:

@a_sith what do you mean by web stuff :p?

HttpHandlers, which a great usage/example of how to use them is seen in the runcode resource from the cfx-server-data repo.

It definitely comes in useful when you’re testing things like natives as you don’t have to write up an entire resource for a single native :blush:

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