RottenV:R "Basic" Zombie Gamemode

So the mod works perfectly with one player on the server, but as soon as any other players join the server, nobody can pick up any items/weapons.

Not running any other mods, tried on default map and on the Five-Z map linked above, doesn’t seem to change anything.

If all but 1 player quits, he can pick up items again. Any idea what might be causing it?

any help???

InvokeNative: execution failed: Argument at index 0 was null.
Error running system event handling function for resource RottenV-Remade: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: Failed to execute thread: Execution of native 00000000406b4b20 in script host failed.
stack traceback:
[C]: in upvalue ‘_in’
citizen:/scripting/lua/natives_server.lua:156: in function ‘GetPlayerName’
server/gui/notifications_s.lua:16: in upvalue ‘handler’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:175: in function citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:174
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘error’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: in field ‘CreateThreadNow’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:174: in function citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:138
InvokeNative: execution failed: Argument at index 0 was null.
Error running system event handling function for resource RottenV-Remade: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: Failed to execute thread: Execution of native 00000000406b4b20 in script host failed.
stack traceback:
[C]: in upvalue ‘_in’
citizen:/scripting/lua/natives_server.lua:156: in function ‘GetPlayerName’
server/gui/notifications_s.lua:16: in upvalue ‘handler’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:175: in function citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:174
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘error’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: in field ‘CreateThreadNow’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:174: in function citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:138

That error is “normal”, i’m not sure what causes it but it isn’t fatal and doesn’t cause anything to break.

I have this error:

Authenticating server license key…
Server license key authentication succeeded. Welcome!
cfx> Sending heartbeat to
restarestart sessionmanager
Stopping resource sessionmanager
cfx> Started resource sessionmanager
Connecting: Nerf_Klay4
Sending heartbeat to
InvokeNative: execution failed: Argument at index 0 was null.
Error running system event handling function for resource RottenV-Remade-Basic-master: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: Failed to execute thread: Execution of native 00000000406b4b20 in script host failed.
stack traceback:
[C]: in upvalue ‘_in’
citizen:/scripting/lua/natives_server.lua:156: in function ‘GetPlayerName’
server/gui/notifications_s.lua:16: in upvalue ‘handler’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:175: in function citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:174
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘error’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: in field ‘CreateThreadNow’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:174: in function citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:138

Please Help

If I try to connect to the server, the loading is infinite

that isn’t related to the error.

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No? this is not a platform to advertise your server, i will not join it for any reason.

how can I add safezone in the map?
Every time I go into the server I do not have any objects anymore, why?
(Sorry for the last message but I did not want to spam)

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I how to change weapon postition

Hey do you what I can use to give a specific item in consumableItems table?

i am trying to have it give raw meat when harvesting a dead animal and all is working except it doesn’t give it or show in inventory. I am not sure if this is the correct variable to use but this is what I am using

for i, animal in pairs(animals) do
            if not DoesEntityExist(animal) then
                table.remove(animals, i)
            elseif IsPedDeadOrDying(animal, 1) then
                playerX, playerY, playerZ = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
                pedX, pedY, pedZ = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(animal, true))
                    if(Vdist(playerX, playerY, playerZ, pedX, pedY, pedZ) < 3.0)then
                        DisplayHelpText("Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to harvest animal.")
                        if IsControlJustReleased(1, 51) then -- INPUT_CELLPHONE_DOWN
                            if DoesEntityExist(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
                                while not HasAnimDictLoaded("pickup_object") do
                                for i,Consumable in ipairs(animalItems) do
                                    animalItems.count[i] = 1.0
                                TaskPlayAnim(PlayerPedId(), "pickup_object", "pickup_low", 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
                                --DecorSetFloat(PlayerPedId(), "hunger", DecorGetFloat(PlayerPedId(),"hunger")+5)
                                --DecorSetFloat(PlayerPedId(), "thirst", DecorGetFloat(PlayerPedId(),"thirst")+2)
                                animalItems.count[1] = 1.0
                                table.remove(animals, i)

how can i set the safezone?

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Couple questions:

1: should the zombies be making moaning (ALIEN) sounds? Mine are all silent.
2: I have tried increasing the number of vehicles from 1 to 4 but still I walk around and see none. Should I configure something to have cars spawn?

Open light???

Will there be a player customizing option cause the other zombie server I played on I can’t connect to anymore

Why does it say “Failed to getinfo server after 3 attempts.” every time i try to join?

Hi, everyone, and thank you very much for helping me or just reading my problem. I hope that the explanation of this can help more people.
I’m creating a rp with zombies and I’m using RottenV for it since I did not find any other option.
my idea is to have many zombies in the whole map but I do not know how to change this option could someone help me with this? Thank you very much for your time.

i have a problem with this resource, and i dont know if there is a fix to it.
Whenever i change the original ped that spawns when you join the server, your hunger/thirst/humanity sets to 0,
this happens when changing to any ped, i only want to be able to use theese 3 peds, the default mr.clean, dont really remember the full name, the mrs.clean and SMYswat.
I would love the help

Is there any way to only disable the needs mechanic?

Is there a way to make this compatible with vRP?

sweet, Ill try this out when i get home.

Hello, thanks for the script!!

I just wanted to now if there is any way i can have some kind of safezone where zombies do not spawn.

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