[Rewritten][Release]NativeUI M-menu [3.1]

Its not working for me.

The menu is working for i click on something and it just freezes the game where you can do anything the buttons are not even working

pics / video + are there emotes?

@N0am what are you talking about?

Nvm in stupid

Updated https://github.com/rhys19/Menu/releases/tag/4.0.2

Update includes:
Menu stops working after you rename it.

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Ads dont work? Missing file?

it’s WIP

i have DOJ’s Old one but of course im not aloud to give it out which i wouldnt anyways

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I posted this in your Discord 4 hours ago and 2 hours you replied here… So here it is.

You are doing an awesome job. Dont let people take you down.
I have a few scripts that require keyboard input like BAC… Is there anyway you can guide me on the right path??

Someone gave me this script I jst dont know what to do with it lol

DisplayOnscreenKeyboard(false, “FMMC_KEY_TIP8”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, 6)

ok i’m sorry i’m at school atm i only have hours to respond as you should know and i will be working on the bac level thing also

EDIT: my school’s dumb internet decides to block discord but not fivem LOL!

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Can I do like a GetPlayerName(source)? So when someone pushes a button I can respond with his username?
Or in mine instance send a text message to discord.

Code that I’m using right now:

		TriggerServerEvent('DiscordBot:ToDiscord', '{MyWebHook}', GetPlayerName(source) .. ' [ID: ' .. GetPlayerServerId(source) .. ']', '__**[OC]**__:** Ik meld me code 10.**', 'https://i.imgur.com/dX7bext.png', false)

Discord message:

not sure i am considering about not updating it because i am making a new one with warmenu aka doj’s style menu

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you mean like a panic button? like if an officer presses the panic button in the leo option? where if they press it, it will show who pressed it and the location of the person that pressed it?

Who wants the menu to let you be able to move or drive while it’s open?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

How do you have that? Legit or illegitimately?

he probably bought it that’s prob why he can’t share it

hmm if he did it is against TOS.



that’s funny! i am laughing my head off right now!!!