[SOLVED] New bikes handling specs from Bikers DLC

Hello all!

I don’t know if the topic is in good section of the forum, i hope admins won’t delete it.

You should certainly note that the Manchez have new handling flags to be able to make wheelies like in GTA SA, and the Hakuchou Drag have a new handling flags to disable the ESP, and allows you to make some burn outs. I had a lot reworked those handlings to make a drift bike handling with Haku Drag lines, and a stunt bike handling with Manchez lines, but it don’t work on FiveReborn.

So i would like to know if there is a way to have the new Bikers DLC handling specificities into FiveReborn.
Or if not, if dev team need help to put them into FiveReborn system.
I know these handlings very good, so if you, the devs, need help for it just answer here or PM me :wink:

FiveM Devs fixed the drift for bikes in new update! thanks Dev team!!