[REQUEST] Casino Bug Fixing


Last week I was reading through the community posts and I found a released casino topic.
There are 4 different kind of games as you can see on the mentioned topic. (Roulette, Craps (PvNPC), Craps (PvP) and Slots)

My server at the moment is running with this script and the feedback I got from players and my own experince is that Craps PvP is not working 100% correctly and Slots have an huge win rate (~80%).

I think I already fixed the Slots by changing “EmojiList” line 175 (client.lua) and the rewards (lines 399, 402, 405).

I’m opening this topic because I want to work with someone who helps me developing some other kind of games in sort of “completing” this script and reupload the final version.

Thank you!

It’s my first topic so sorry if it seems messy

This category is for default FiveM features, not resource specific. I’d throw this into the casino thread. If your looking for a developer go to #server-development:server-bazaar
