Removing Default Inventory

I followed the GitHub instructions to remove the…

– Menu interactions
while true do


	if IsControlJustReleased(0, Keys['F2']) and IsInputDisabled(0) and not isDead and not ESX.UI.Menu.IsOpen('default', 'es_extended', 'inventory') then



However, every time I start my server, the code is back in the file to my understanding. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or what else needs to be done to successfully remove the Default F2 Function. (Have Custom Inventory HUD)

Zap hosting customers have to disable “Force Overwrite” in their game console.

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Do you happen to know what Tab it is under?

I don’t, as I’ve not seen the panel in over a year, sorry. It shouldn’t be too hard to find however.

I found it, thank you! Going to go test it. Have struggled with this for the past 6 hours.

Still not working. D:

You are not the only one. I’ve literally helped more than a hundred people with the exact same issue on the ESX discord.

Anytime you change a file you need to delete the server-data/cache, and yes in zap hosting you have to uncheck “force overwrite” in resources… then restart server

how to do it on zap [Removing Default Inventory]

thank you so much it fixed it ive been struggling with that for days

In which resource / file did you change this value?

es_extended is here you will find the code I believe in the client.lua

i cant find the client.lua

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