Removed-no longer working

Improvements made thanks for the imput guys

Are you able to make changes like when you die, you don’t have to reclock in to get the menu back

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I don’t think so, if you can i haven’t figured it out

That would be great tho :stuck_out_tongue:

I got it

When you get to the “Control Death Events” between the lines of 594 and 625 you will see “ServiceOff()”. That needs to be switch to “ServiceOn()”.

		--Control death events
		if(config.useModifiedEmergency == false) then
			if(IsPlayerDead(PlayerId())) then
				if(alreadyDead == false) then
					if(isInService) then
					handCuffed = false
					drag = false
					alreadyDead = true
				alreadyDead = false
		if (handCuffed == true) then

			while not HasAnimDictLoaded('mp_arresting') do

			local myPed = PlayerPedId(-1)
			local animation = 'idle'
			local flags = 16
			while(IsPedBeingStunned(myPed, 0)) do
			TaskPlayAnim(myPed, 'mp_arresting', animation, 8.0, -8, -1, flags, 0, 0, 0, 0)
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thanks dude, I will try it out =)

great work brosidon!!!

Good Work Love It Use It In My Server 10/10

this one is very glitchy, I like the style of it. But It literally doesn’t allow me to click cuff in the first take, takes so much longer to cuff someone. Like I have to spam enter a few times.

How do I configure the a couchDB for a server ran through a host? Is there an option to use MySQL instead of couchDB?

Im not sure, id ask the original creator

Update - Death Clock out has been fixed

Can’t find resource police.

Are you able to make an update to where that you can also place lights for a DUI Checkpoint at night?

this will no longer be updated

Is there a way to use the whitelist, I have set up the couchdb in the config, and set the server to whitelist but i cant see the blue circle

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How do I get This to work I do /copadd But doesnt work

Did you ever figure out why the menu dosen’t open i have the Same problem?

I am no longer doing any work with this or FiveM, due to some significant life changes and a series of serious medical issues. please do not contact me for help. In order to use this you must have a good understanding of MYSQL, thanks for your support and please enjoy the game