Remove player blips without disabling scripthook

Did it finally work for you guys? :heart:

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It was working, I think an update broke it…could be wrong though.

Sorry for such the late reply, but THANK YOU. It finally works :slight_smile: !!!

I just found this and this looks awesome. Could you paste the final script here or tell me which one above is the one that works? thanks

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could i also request that you paste the final script here, or release this as a finished script it would be much appreciated

Im getting an error in my console:

im not seeing anything wrong with the code.

here is my code

Try invoking the native?

I’m still new to lua, how would I do that?

Something like:
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1BEDE233E6CD2A1F, v)

And replace GET_FIRST_BLIP_INFO_ID with it

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Run it on the client, the server cannot run natives :slight_smile:

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Whoops, completely missed that :laughing:

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Hello everyone. I am looking through this thread, and like those above have requested, is there a way that we could get a final code that we could add in order to remove this and maybe a little bit of instruction like where exactly to insert the coding. Thanks in advance!

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I’m really hoping someone can put the final one at the bottom that works. This is too confusing to follow. Thanks

How is this particular code executed? Like a resource?

Make a folder called: disableplayerblips - In that folder. Make the following files:


Than put this in the file:

client_script ‘client.lua’

After that, make another file called: client.lua
Put the following code in there:

local blipIds = {

function isBlipAttachedToPlayer( blip )
	local entity = GetBlipInfoIdEntityIndex(blip)
	if entity then -- it is attached to entity?
		if IsEntityAPed(entity) and IsPedAPlayer(GetPedIndexFromEntityIndex(entity)) then -- is a player?
			return true
	return false

    while true do
		for _,v in pairs(blipIds) do
			local blip = GetFirstBlipInfoId(v)

			while DoesBlipExist(blip) do
				if isBlipAttachedToPlayer(blip) then
					SetBlipAlpha(blip, 0) -- Lambda doesn't touch alpha, it's safe to set it :)
				blip = GetNextBlipInfoId(v)


All credit to the god himself, Havoc.

Hi here I have a problem:

*** Server console ***
Could not parse resource metadata file… :3: syntax error near ‘<\226>’.

Hope for help :slight_smile: