Remove Peds/AIs

need help getting the script source for removing peds and ai’s i have a home server and its lagging me out and other players big time :confused: any help would be appreciated. email or discord works for me microminipimp#4838

First search result:

i tried it didnt work when i put it in my resources

couldn’t load resource :frowning: Any suggestions?

As you’ve come to learn, you can’t just drop files into the resource directory. It needs to be placed in it’s own folder and have a __resource.lua file to point the server to it.

I turned it into a resource for you. unzip in your resources folder, start it with

start nopeds

In your server.cfg and profit. (611 Bytes)

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thanks broh, for some reason my __resource file was wrong, thank you very much: D

use search option.


what redrum said…

try putting it toward the top of the start resources in your server.cfg