[Release] Weazel News Camera and Mic *Updated

probably have to re-write it to rather than overlay the scaleform overlay an image through some sort of html implementation

Possible to make so only a specific job can spawn the items? Or only admins? I dont have the knowledge to make that. ;(

Can you use the camera in car or heli? :slightly_smiling_face:

Is there a way to make the hud dissappear ?

And add a custom title?

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How to change the title? titre

Possible to make so only a specific job can spawn the items? Or only admins? I dont have the knowledge to make that. ;(

I may make and esx version for the reporter job if there is a demand for it

Can you use the camera in car or heli? :slightly_smiling_face:

no you cannot activate it in a vehicle

Is there a way to make the hud dissappear ?

this was made as a standalone script so no not at the moment

How to change the title?

you currently can’t unless you change it in the script i think its under headline:
but i will at somepoint make it so you can change it just been working on other things lately

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well it would make rp on my server so much fun if you make an enchanced reporterjob :smiley:

shiet i remember you, you owned copsRP, didn’t you?

Still do, why? [20 characters]

it would be nice that we can put a big cam and the command will be / bcam

Big cam like they would use at the news station?

Just recognized your name xd

Everything else works but the /mic , it will spawn a mic in the characters hand, but it wont play the animation, he just holds the mic. When i get home, i will reply with a picture.

What animation should he do?
Holding the mic is correct.
with pressing B (for finger point) you can show your mic around

Like i thought he was supposed to hold it infront of him, not just by his side.

yeah i could make it play an animation but i prefered the fact that you can move it around by pointing

i thinking maybe, like holding coffee, except not with a coffee cup, but yeah i do like being able to point it around.

there probably is an animation tailored for it like with the boom mic from the latest update wouldn’t be that hard for someone to find and add if they wanted too you’d just have to tailor the attachentity part to it as well because i believe the animation runs on the other hand i just think the point system works better because it then doesn’t freeze your body in a certain position when the animation has run like it does with the camera animation that looks a little jank when moving around and stuff

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Idk, ive seen on another server they were using the coffee animation, and can still walk, they actually have alot of the animations that make you stuck, but they can move and i havent seen any post for how to do that, but it is TFRP so they are like superdevs