[Release] [vRP] Stationary Radars

Upon downloading either of these files, I’m given an error, “The archive is either in unknown format or damaged” from WinRAR. I’m not sure if this is just something happening to me or not, but I will be keeping an eye out for working files.

Thank you for this great resource!

I am having a slight issue however, I have added the permission for ems but I am getting the fine notification rather than the you are EMS… notification but it is not taking the money. It does take the money if I am not set as EMS??

i cannot get this to work, any idea,
ive installed both versions but nothing works no tiockets

Change the value after the Vdist function, < 5 to like <15 , the radar radius is too much short.

How i can make blips on the map for this radars ?

Is it possible to edit so you dont get a ticket, when u have signals on your police or ems car?

@hypr9xa how can this be done with vRP.insertPoliceRecord? To be paid at police station later as a debt.

Ive been trying it but the record isnt saved.

Thanks in advance.

Same issue , cant figure out why it just doesnt seem to work at all … Anyone have ideas why ?

try this

it does not work, I get an error, do I need another resource?

if he is online and you obtain the vehicle owner in script you should be able to send fine to the owner but can’t tell you how atm haven’t tried it out yet

hello, does anybody know how to change it to km/h ?