[Release] vRP Framework

Just go edit hunger and thrist lines in your survival.lua file in \vrp\cfg.

thirst_per_minute = 1.00,
hunger_per_minute = 1.00,

Hi everyone, hi @Imagic.
I’m editing garages.lua to add custom garages with custom cars. Everything works good but I wanna ask if someone can help in this:
I want a car in the garage to spawn with specific custom colors like primary = matte black and secondary color = matte green. Can I set it in the garages.lua file? If yes, how?


i thought anyone can use that copsfivem one though? or is there a way to make it so you need permissions? i never really messed around with it much to be honest.

is it possible 2 permissions? permissions = {“ems.loadshop”,“test.loadshop”}},

Is it possible to set a cooldown in groups.lua when players wanna change their jobs?

Hi guys. Hope that there is one that can help, ore know if this can be done.
This is just a example.

name="Sælg Æble / Æbler", -- menu name
    -- permissions = {"harvest.water_bottle_tacos"}, -- you can add permissions
    r=0,g=125,b=255, -- color
    x=-1499.23291015625,y=-226.426849365234,z=51.0029602050781, -- pos
    radius=5, height=1.5, -- area
    recipes = {
      ["Sælger Æbler"] = { -- action name
        description="SĂŚlg dit ĂŚble / ĂŚbler", -- action description
        in_money=0, -- money taken per unit
        out_money=90, -- money earned per unit
        reagents={["ĂŚble"] = 1}, -- items taken per unit
        products={ -- items given per unit

Can there not be done so that if you have let say 100 aples then it til sell 10 at the time insted og 1, and then when under 10 it will sell 1 at the time?
I thought that it could be done by doing this

name="Sælg Æble / Æbler", -- menu name
    -- permissions = {"harvest.water_bottle_tacos"}, -- you can add permissions
    r=0,g=125,b=255, -- color
    x=-1499.23291015625,y=-226.426849365234,z=51.0029602050781, -- pos
    radius=5, height=1.5, -- area
    recipes = {
      ["Sælger Æbler"] = { -- action name
        description="SĂŚlg dit ĂŚble / ĂŚbler", -- action description
        in_money=0, -- money taken per unit
        out_money=90,450,900, -- money earned per unit
        reagents={["ĂŚble"] = 1,5,10}, -- items taken per unit
        products={ -- items given per unit

But this will not work, it wont sell anything like this.
Thanks in advance

br Bade

1 Like
    name="sell peaches", -- menu name
    -- permissions = {"harvest.water_bottle_tacos"}, -- you can add permissions
    r=0,g=125,b=255, -- color
    radius=5, height=4, -- area
    recipes = {
      ["Sell ​​peaches"] = { -- action name
        description="Sell ​​peaches. $10 for 5.", -- action description
        in_money=0, -- money taken per unit
        out_money=10, -- money earned per unit
        reagents={ ["fruit_peche"] = 5
		}, -- items taken per unit
        products={ -- items given per unit
          -- ["fruit_peche"] = 5
    --, onstart = function(player,recipe) end, -- optional start callback
    -- onstep = function(player,recipe) end, -- optional step callback
    -- onstop = function(player,recipe) end -- optional stop callback

that works

Where did you put it in ? vrp/cfg/item.transformer or vrp/modules/item.transformer ? I want to set the Weed harvasting but i don’t know how.

On our server we tried to move the garages into one centralized location from the code standpoint everything is correct. but there is no circle on the ground at the location showing the garage also now the job circles aren’t showing up where they did before. I don’t think i broke any of the code but if i knew which code section i needed to look at to debug. that would be helpful

What does starting a business do?

Let’s you Rob banks and let’s you take dirty money launder it to get a percent back

Hey i need help. If i change or add permissions in groups.lua the main menu under F9 doesn’t works it only shows “Admin”. If i also change something in the garages.lua (delete a vehicle or add one) the garages doesn’t work and they don’t show on the map.

I had a problem with the garages myself. Here is what I found…
Under each garage name, make sure the LAST car and ONLY the last car has no , at the end. If you have added a car at the end of a list, make sure you add a , at the end of the previous line and don’t have one for the last car in the list. Also make sure you do not have the same car in two different garages. For instance, if you have polmav (the police maverick) in the police garage, it CANNOT also exist in the Emergency (or hospital or whatever) garage. The best bet on that one would be to have a Emergency Aircraft garage, and add permissions to it for BOTH police AND emergency workers.

I already found out but still thanks <3

But i still got a problem with the drivers license. It doesn’t work i cant buy it at the PD where the blip is :confused:

I have the , thing sorted problem is the housing garages have the same cars as the “main” centralized one. also Is the police script that comes witht he framework comparable to the cops fivem?

I found out that it sometimes works. But now it doesnt i did it like you said. Can i send your my garages.lua and you would look trough that file ?

I could always try, but I am far from an expert. I am just muddling through myself, but you mentioned something that I had happen to me. Not sure how you would get me the files to look through either…

Here you go https://pastebin.com/96tgExCA
I only changed the police garage and added two new garages, the first one is “emergencyheli” that one worked before and i also added BikeToGo. I think that the problem can be between the police and the biketogo garage, but you can look though the whole file if you want.

Here is also my groups.lua that messes up my F9 Main Menu (some categories doesn’t show up because of that)