[Release] vRP Framework

Does anyone know how to fix the spawn in with the skater? Do we have to keep it? Is there a way we can fix when you first jump into the game and you are randomly somewhere until you spawn completely in? Do we delete the skater and hipster files?

Thanks. I’m going to try it out!

When players spawn it is set to spawn in the skater NPC as default. But in the skinshop you cant change shirt, etc. But if i use a playerskin set from lambda menu such as mp male i can change everything fine but nobody can see me. What NPC can be used so players can use the skinshop.

How do i disable the food and thirst along with its gui above the map?

Having an insure where after 5 minutes of being in a coma i dont get revived. i get color back but no revive anyone have a fix?

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Hello, how are you
So here I am asking you if there is any es_admin that is compatible with your vrp fx project in the case I am using
Why at the moment I’m noticing a vrp conflict with essentialmode and wanted to see if there’s any way to start vrp without the essentialmode or another vrp script

@THOMYLUCCHESE Vrp is an essentialmode framework . without it you wouldnt be able to run vrp . what error are you getting?

When I edit something in vrp it simply gives the error in another example folder if I edit in the item and in the item_transformers.lua and it indicates the error line in the folder / modules> item_transformers.lua

vRP is a completely different framework from Essentials they dont play nice together. and will constantly throw errors unless u stick with just one

got it.
Another thing I wanted to know some of you when you connect the server appears this error about mysql I’m using xampp32

try deactivating essentials and see if u get the same error

Yes I still get the same error once I have removed the essentialmode and es_admin2

Help Imagic ???

I created a new job, wanted the person to die and lose the job I created.

that error is normal, its a bug that imagic is trying to fix however it shouldnt be game breaking, also NEVER use essential with VRP, they are both different frameworks, thats like trying to get china and usa to marry eachother.

Help WingedHussar ???

I created a new job, wanted the person to die and lose the job I created.

Ok here is one for you all…

I am trying to make the helipad on the stationary superyacht (smyacht or hei_yacht_heist) be a helicopter spawner, but what I get is a firey explosion every time I try. I have discovered that when spawning vehicles, the system will check to see if there is ground below you, and attempt to spawn there. I found this out by making the 5 level parking garage into a vehicle shop. When spawning vehicles, they always go down one level before spawning. So If I walk into the garage blip on level 5 (sky above my head) then I will spawn in my vehicle on level 4, with no sky above my head. This happens all the way down, except for level 1. All vehicles spawned on level 1 and level 2 appear in the same location, on level 1 (X and y coordinates of the grarge are the same, only z is changed).

I assume this is the problem on the Yacht, as you can walk around directly under the helipad. Also I have successfully made a garage on the square, partially opened hot tub on the forward deck, and this one works, but can only accommodate a small helicopter like the buzzard. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, as I would like a good way of leaving the Yacht for anyone owning a helicopter.

you could try and create a platform and then place that in the game and get everything to spawn on there

Not sure, even remotely, how to do that. If I could, I would use the helipad from the Galaxy Super Yacht you can buy in GTA Online, as that spot is where the square hot tub is, and would give a better base for helicopters, I just have no clue how to do that…

Having an issue where after 5 minutes of being in a coma, the code acts like it gets me up by giving me color and what not but it doesnt actually revive me. is there a way to fix this? like is there a way to write in that after 5 minutes you gain 1 hp of health?

How can i do so that a police officer can check license ? i saw some code in you code but tried everything but no luck … can someone helpe me to say where what code i have to put thx ! (VRP framework)
