[Release] vRP Framework

I am having trouble with my server. When I disconnect and reconnect later it says that it has an identification error and it kicks me out. How can I fix that?

How do you fix it do u have to fix a cfg file

Is it posible to move the food and thirst bar? if yes where do i do that?

Any update for vrp coming @Imagic? This has gone quiet and fx vrp is quite unstable. This is worrying as my community is currently at cfx since the fx vrp doesnā€™t work as it should and we do want to move asap as cfx is going to disappear soon.

so i installed this mod but it seems like one of the players cannot load the mod she is stuck with 2 blips and not VRP what is this issue?

she tried reinstall five m and things but dont seem to work

The FX version of VRP is pretty stable, what is not very stable is FXServer not VRP.

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Can someone explain what is the difference between the psycho edit 3.5 and regular VRP for FX ?

Psycho just changed some configs and added some stuff other people made and compiled into a single package. Basically a copy-pasta server.

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Thanks, hey wondering if you have added the vrp showroom, lscustoms and garagesā€¦ I am getting an error cant fix this for the life of me.

Unable to purchase a car from the shopā€¦ Any idea?

@Imagic If possible can you release a more up to date vRP Framework so we have something better to off of

Hello guys !
Hello everyone ! Possible Do not lose my weapons when we die ?
thank you for reponse guys ! help please !

so i started this server and i was pumped on fire up some rp, but when my gf joined (she is sitting next to me) she couldent load the mod (VRP) so after some research i found out that it was because we was on the same ip adress, i quickly removed the # to allow steam on server and i deleted my character on the mysql database but problem is still on, what did i do wrong

Try it trough steam if u have get5 through steam it will take down ur steam id instead

we are trying through steam

Wipe ur database and try

iā€™ll try and i got another issue everytime i add anything like a new car to a garage a new weapon to a gunshot the blips dissapear from the server map

Who can help, why after restart, the players when they re-enter the server, the bank account becomes 0 ?? In the database, people become 0

anyone know of a drag mod that will work with vrp?

did you do a full restart like get rid of part of the data base or only a restart of the server and clearing the cache