[Release] vRP Framework

I got this error. Any help please? Is essentialmode needed?

@Oskaria It’s because it is invalid, where did you find this code ?

@Imagic How would i go about adding more options for the cops i.e Escorting . or would it be frowned upon to edit anything but the cfg’s?

Without “print(vRP.getMoney(user_id))” - here: https://github.com/ImagicTheCat/vRP#api

There are no print get money, you use the proxy the wrong way, vRP.function(args,callback).

That’s why I’m asking show an example of how to work with money, or with checking permissions, In external resources. This will close a lot of questions as I have, and in most vRP users.
I am well guided in LUA, but I could not understand part your docs((

@Oskaria This is not true, the proxy system is very simple, it’s just an array of args and a callback, and examples are very explicit. The thing is, more examples will not help, because there are no differences between checking a permission or getting the user id… It’s like asking me to explain to you what a function is by giving you 10 functions, where it doesn’t matter, only one is enough, you need to understand the concept, not read many examples.

And I will not explain what a callback is, what a scope is, what LUA is.

And the rest of the doc is here…, not just the part you linked https://github.com/ImagicTheCat/vRP#proxy

Which file handles the money hud top right? And would I be able to add a second one with displays the amount of money you have in your bank account?

@Imagic Hi, I have a little trouble to make a menù while I’m creating an external module of VRP.

This is the example code from your github documentation

local Tunnel = require("resources/vrp/lib/Tunnel")
local groupscfg = require("resources/vrp/cfg/groups")

vRP = Proxy.getInterface("vRP")
vRPclient = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP","vRPAdditional")

  local choices = {}
  local fchoice = function(player2,choice)
    print("player "..player2.." choose "..choice)

  choices["My Choice"] = {fchoice,"My choice description."}
  choices["My Choice 2"] = {fchoice,"My choice 2 description."}

  vRP.buildMainMenu({player,fchoice}) -- add choices to the player main menu

And this is the error

I think I’m using in a wrong way the Proxy but I didn’t understand how, could you help me?

You send a function instead of the choice table.

@Imagic oh fuck I’m dumb sorry, maybe its time to go to bed (I live in italy). Sorry for the mention :slight_smile:

where is the sql script i cant find it?

@Imagic I changed the code with the right function call

  vRP.buildMainMenu({player,choices}) -- add choices to the player main menu

but it still give me the same error

Do you use debug mode ?

@Imagic Yes I used the debug mode

Try to disable it until I find a way to encode safely the proxy parameters.

Can anyone hook me up with a resource for clothing values for cloakroom?

Also how do I go about using the custom emote function in game via admin menu?

how to i connnect it to my mysql db is this it

– open MySQL connection
vRP.sql = MySQL.open(config.db.host,config.db.user,config.db.password,config.db.database)

No. You’'ll find that in the following:


Change the following to reflect your connection details:

cfg.db = {
host = “IP ADDRESS”,
database = “DB”,
user = “root”,
password = “toor”

are there any jobs like truckerjob that can use this money systom