[Release] [vRP] Firefighter Job [Add-on]

Where and how do I actually get the job. I have put the script in and double checked it and still not able to see an additional “*” on the map. The only one is at the EMS job.

This is here the blip. Try teleporting there. It should be down near the Grove Street.


Thank you i will check there

I installed everything exactly like you did, and everything works just fine! Except for the vehicle garage, it is not showing in the station.

Is [“Firefighter”] = {
_config = {vtype=“car”,blipid=61,blipcolor=75,permissions={“ems.vehicle”}},
[“firetruk”] = {“Firefighter’s Truck”,0, “”}

Is “ems.vehicle” Supposed to be there? Or would it be “emergency.vehicle” i tried both and the garage is still not being placed in the map or in the station but everything works just fine, the only reason why im so confused is because in the groups,cfg the permissions say

[“Firefighter”] = {
_config = { gtype = “job”,
onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.notify(player,{“You are a Firefighter, salary : $2500.”}) end
}, <

It shows as “emergency.vehicle” idk i might just be doing something wrong but i am sure i followed as directed.

Never mind it was my fault, i forget a “,” after the vehicle list. lol

esx version???


I can not get the group …

go to your phone K menu
Choose Admin
then add the group ems to your user id.
if you are the only superadmin then your user id should be 1

Looks like he’s getting it, but I can not get into the locker room to get the fireman’s steal.

Did you choose a job as a Fireman? I have not put this on my server yet, sorry. But it’s kinda like EMS just different locations for cloakrooms and stuff.
You get the job after getting the ems group then choose the job rank of the fireman. I don’t know where the locations are for fireman cloakrooms and things like that. Add yourself to the group ems and then try EMS. One of those will work. Also make sure you have the ems.whitelisted under groups in vrp/cfg/ groups.lua for Fireman job.
Fireman has to be in the groups now too, follow the instructions carefully and you should have everything set up correctly.

This is not for esx.

u find it?

Print - video :sunny:
