[Release] vrp_drugfarms_noperms [en]


This is not my script! The original script can be found here -=- https://github.com/D3uxx/vrp_drugfarms -=- (permissions given)

I have just removed the permissions and translated the script to english. I have not translated the permissions portion since I am not using it. Uncomment the parts noted in the code and add the below.

Thank you!

Add the following groups to /vrp/cfg/groups.lua

  ["marihuana"] = {
  _config = {onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.notify(player,{"Eres marihuanero."}) end},

  ["blanqueo"] = {
  _config = {onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.notify(player,{"Tu eres un blanqueadero."}) end},

  ["meta"] = {
  _config = {onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.notify(player,{"Eres un metero."}) end},

  ["coke"] = {
  _config = {onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.notify(player,{"Eres un puto cocainomano"}) end},
  ["motero"] = {
  _config = {onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.notify(player,{"Eres un motero."}) end},

marihuana >> allows weed entrance
blanqueo >> money laundering
meta >> meth lab
coke >> coke lab
motero >> biker clubhouse

The coords for everything is in warehouses.lua
It's all commented there, coords and shit.

· Screenshots


Take out the part in green in the warehouse part?

I dont understand what you mean?

I figured it out. Sorry I was confused on how it works

And to add in the end?

? (20 characters min)

  • edit post, look please.

I need to edit the readme sorry. The permissions are not required in my version. Those are needed in the original version, because I only commented out the requirement for permissions, i left the permissions if you wanted to add it back.

So I use the @dunko base, at the base of it has a lab, but it’s only for three types of drugs: LSD, weed and Cocaine.
I wanted to use yours.
I put it on the test server, it loaded, but when I go to the laboratory, I can not enter the place, and the coordinates when I teleport to them, they are under the floor, and the doors do not work to open or close.

They are under the map yes, why don’t know thoe.
But to resolve your issue you can add a teleport thing I am sure the dunko vrp got it already but if not here is a link to someone who published the resource that can fix your problems, https://github.com/ldlac/drz_interiors
Happy new year everyone.

XD, didn’t even notice that this post is 2 years old​:joy::joy: