[Release] vRP Carjacking (Permissions support) + New synced version(GTAO like)

Ok i’ll do it asap.
I’ll add the permission system but you should create the job by your self. Is that right ?


yeah for sure

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with the permission system your script will be perfect :heart_eyes:

W. I. P. Coming soon… :wink:

Update 7

Full permissions support!You can now choose to set permissions (server side).

Your permission choices are :

_ group(job) .
_ one permission.
_ multiple permissions.
_ no permissions at all.

Choose only one at once or the script don’t “start”.
Some permission examples are already set.
For more informations look in the server script.

And if something is not clear just ask .:wink:

_Notifications look better now.

_Now a npc “give” you the money instead of just get out of the veh and get the money from nowhere.

_Maybe other things.

best script ever

Nice update! But i still hope you make it visible to all players at once and not only one player :frowning:

Yep i’m ok with that but this is really difficult to do. Some thing’s with network are not easy to figuring out. I’ve tried some things with a test script and when the entitys are too far from the non host clients the network say that they don’t exist also if i try to get them by there network ids. If anybody know how to…
edit:If used as a job there is no interest to do that.

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Your script is perfect for use as a job

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True! :slight_smile: Did not think it as a “Car jacking” job - Thanks for the idea mate :smiley:

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awesome man, thanks!

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Hi guys. There is a great memory leak with the mission. Anybody was detected too?

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Hi, i’ve take a look and yes there is a memory usage issue.After some tests i’ve found the issue, it’s the notifications.I’ll fixed it asap.
Thank you for the feedback :+1:

Edit: This is not the notifications :upside_down_face:

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Thank you, brother. I’m a C# engineer. Tell me if you need some help

Yes @rodolpholl ,if you can help me to find why this issue happend i’ll be very grateful.:slightly_smiling_face:

This issue hapanning just when the car spawn. Then, the memory usage is growing up.

A sugestion, try see at the client when step begin if the mission steel trying continue begining a mission.

@rodolpholl I’ve tried with print after spawn timer but it only print once.

Try enter in a vehicle

Sorry i don’t understand.Have you change anything?
If you use the script with permissions, it check every 15 seconds if you have the permission to avoid player who leave the job to be able to deliver the vehicle.

Edit:It only check every 15 seconds if this is your job.

Edit:Edit your posts instead of creating a new one.