[Release] Voice radio in-game [Standalone]

Yep latest git release - trying to figure out where in the chain it messes up.

like that it makes me that too

Can you try to give me some screenshot of the errors im not at home i can’t test easly

The issue there is no errors the menu just dos not open again after first open.

Did a PR, it’s not perfect, but fixes the issue breaking the menu from opening after first time, and so fare the testings have worked out like they should.

Tried a fix, check it out

Radio Mute mutes ur own voice or the whole radio

The whole radio im gonna work on only voice mute in future

Hmm think there is more issues to be honest, when changing freq, the ones in the old can still hear you it looks like, sadly.

Ah fuck im gonna work for a fix tomorrow

Ye testet it over and over again there is with out doubt a bug there, where you are stuck in the first freq.

Besides that a radio freq mute would be nice, so you can mute it totally insted of hearing ppl all the time.

Btw. the menu fix you did works.

btw this release fixed a lot of bugs thanks to all :slight_smile:

Np looking forward for a update to morrow to iron out the last kinks.

Not working for me, i am on a RP server

Dossent matter if you are on a RP server or what you are on.

It should work if you installed nativeui needs to be loaded just before this, and you remembered to disable other voice plugins you got.

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Can only take up the menu when im dead lol

only works when im death, any ideas?

The menu is working only when you’re dead?

That is correct

Installed directly.
Menu works.

But, going on different channel dont working, you can hear some players on channel 4 if you’re on channel 5, and same in the over way :slight_smile:

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