Everything is gone get delete bye 🙂 plz hide or delete this page thanks 3

If you have the time , I will be forever in your debt.
ESX needs this.
Anything I can do - please let me know

good news too all i got setup the esx and i can see the code isnt so hard so i will publich in nexst week the

vdk_inventory / vdk_trucl / emotes v3 / any more mods need converted too esx then ask :wink:

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Great job @vegnagun2017

GCPhone & es_carwash as well maybe ^^

Hello !

Possible to add the function “useitem” in vdk_inventory for foodhud please ?

Yes the GCPhone would be amazing to have on ESX.
Here is the updated carwash… [Release][FXServer][ES5] CarWash
Make sure to download version 1.5

do you not wanna the esx_phone ? i have just fixed it too fx and fixed the bugs

well the esx_phone do the job but gcphone is better I think if you can make it workon ESX it woulb be amazing

Ah nice, and goin to use this white la life ^^

Yea I feel the same as Kevin. The esx_phone is nice and does the job but the gcphone has way more features, customization and looks better imo. Frazzle has a version on github already updated to work with fx server. Im just not sure how to make it work with esx. Im new and just now trying to learn.

carwash get released now

I will be so happy when this comes.
Have been waiting and waiting…


yeah im trying recreate the vdktruck too the esx inventory system :slight_smile:

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hi all , nice job and thx for sharing !
i 'm trying to adapt for esx too, but i have some problem with the constraint
i modified sql execute and trigger for esx , but the constraint givr mi an error when i try to define it in db
if yu can work on esx comptatibility , its will be great !


Do you have any news about the ESX truck version?
I managed to adapt the code but I have a worry to recover the inventory of the player.

thank you in advance

hello I have two problems, when I withdraw + what I can contain in my pockets the articles disappear, and nothing adds to the database when I meet the articles in my vehicle

you need send me picture of you database, and cfg how you set it op ,.



i need too see the inside database …