[RELEASE] v2: Fix holes and customize the map

Really it’s not bad, nice script even if this bloody door of the army is always closed with this script. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I find it more logical to have the gates closed by default.
But you can open them either by commenting this line in bob74_ipl/gtav/base.lua:


Or either you call:


in one of your client scripts :slight_smile:


tanx very much :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m looking for the IPLs of the nightclub update.

Does anyone know about them?

NB : Sorry for my bad english ^^

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Not released into FiveM yet.

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Ok, thank’s

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Hello, firstly thanks for the release, but i do have one question, i have a custom map edit so that i can use the hospital at pillbox and there is a file somewhere in this pack that adds doors to that part, was wondering if you knew which part that is in this pack so i can remove it please?

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RC12B is what all the pillbox stuff starts with

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Awesome, thank you very much!

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I may just be missing something, but is there a way to have a different name in each biker clubhouse? Setting the name through the export makes it the same in both Clubhouses

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does the new fix fix the gates at ft zncudo? asking cause cant access without f2ing

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For those who would be interested https://github.com/jobscraft/PillboxHospital-by-Jobscraft

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Hey, After Hours update please <3


Bob pls

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did u’'ll update ur resource?

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He is working on it. It will be here soon


After Hours IPLs:
IPL: ba_dlc_int_01_ba
location x="-1604.66400000" y="-3012.58300000" z="-80.00000000"
IPL: ba_dlc_int_02_ba
location x="-1505.78300000" y="-3012.58700000" z="-80.00000000"
IPL: ba_dlc_int_03_ba
location x="-1421.01500000" y="-3012.58700000" z="-80.00000000"

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Unfortunately, you can’t do it that way.
You have to detect where the player enters (clubhouse1 or clubhouse2) and create the appropriate gang.

You just need to call RemoveIpl("CS3_07_MPGates") but since it bothers so many people, it will be disabled by default for the next update.

The After hours IPL update is on its way


Nightclubs are in! :raised_hands:

I will update the wiki as soon as possible (but it basically works the same as other interiors).

It is still missing the basement and terrorbyte parts.


how do you turn the lights off ? in my there its to much normal light inside