[Discontinued][Release][v2.0.1] CHEM!CAL T0Ж!N [Mod Menu][Admin Menu (incl. Bans, Kicks, Spectate...)][Outfit, Vehicles, Weapon & Settings Saving]

Seem to be getting this error whenever someone joins – https://gyazo.com/7baf624eee3caed5d8cb0603620f4977

Is your FX Server up to date?

Yep, I even freshly installed it. Still get the error

Please DM me your server.lua, thanks

The menu is very nice but how would I change the front? because it was very hard to read (Requested form player).

To change the font follow this step to step tut.

  1. Open the GUI.lua
  2. Search for this line: GUI.titleText = {255, 255, 255, 255, 1} (Should be at line 6)
  3. Change the one (1) at the end to a four (4)
  4. Now search for this line: GUI.optionText = {255, 255, 255, 255, 1} (Should be at line 8)
  5. Change the one (1) at the end to a four (4)
  6. Save the file
  7. Restart the Resource or the Server
  8. Profit!
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I love this!, this is like going back to the gta online modding days, just so much silly stuff!

GJ dude! :stuck_out_tongue:

(Ik im a bit late)

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Permission Denied to download?

Thanks Flatracer for putting out this trainer, really excited to try it on my server when I get home.

That is what I was aiming for :slight_smile:

That shouldn’t happen, is this error still occouring or can you download it now?

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

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No, it’s fixed now. Thank you :slight_smile:

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Is there any way I can get this to work with essentialmode groups? I want all my admins to be able to access the admin menu without having to add their steam hexes/IPs.

I will take a look into this.

Awesome! I’ve been trying to do this but it’s been pretty tricky.
This is what I’ve got so far:

AddEventHandler("ID", function() --Grants Access To The Menu
	TriggerEvent('es:getPlayerFromId', source, function(user)
		local user = exports.essentialmode:getUser()
		if user.getGroup() == "NetworkOwner" then
			print("Access to CHEM!CAL T0Ж!N granted!")
			TriggerClientEvent("AdminActivation", source, 1)
			TriggerClientEvent("AdminActivation", source, 0)
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I will contact you about testing, because I’m not using ESMode.

Here it is: FMODT [v2.0.1] [ESMode].rar (532.9 KB)
VirusTotal Scan: Click Here

Please test it out and give me some feedback :slight_smile:

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Works like a charm HORRAY!!! lol i was in the process of modifying the script myself saved me a ton of work!!!

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Awesome, I’ll test it out ASAP. Thank you.

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ok after further testing there are errors multiple ppl join the server it doesnt parse them properly nor enable the menu if the person is an admin. This is true if you disconnect and reconnect as well.

Are there any errors in the Rcon Log or in the InGame Debug Console(F8)

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