[Discontinued][Release][v2.0.1] CHEM!CAL T0Ж!N [Mod Menu][Admin Menu (incl. Bans, Kicks, Spectate...)][Outfit, Vehicles, Weapon & Settings Saving]

so I made it so only admins can open the menu and i put in my identifiers in the server lua and it still says in game that im not allowed to use this menu

did i do something wrong?

Really unfortunate that you do not have a little time, this modmenu is much nicer than you seemed to think and personally I chose it for my administrators, an update would probably appreciate by a lot of admin.

pretty usefull thanks bro

Hi anyone knows how to remove the admin menu message that appears when you log? I’d like that my no-admin players doesn’t see that… Thanks! Great mod btw I really like it!

Find a plugin to remove the player blips

Too many lags, FPS drops and whatsoever. not really recommended using. your FPS will decrease below 40 fps… even with high end PC.

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true @Orel240hz, and i can show it https://gyazo.com/00862e17c4da60a741e76e22d6a2693f

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I wouldn’t recommend using it either

can we remove the coordinates at the top of the map. Tanx for all :stuck_out_tongue:

is it admin only by base or can you make it so only admins+ can make it

Im running esx. Is there a way i can make it so only admins have access to this menu? Much appreciated.

How can i set that non-admins can’t spawn vehicles, guns etc.?

How to this open menu?

Has the Admin feature been removed?

Is there a permission that we can make this for admins only ??

At this menu or can i dont use this one in a roleplay? [admin]

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how can I change the menu button

How do I get the admin menu to work?

where can this Uzan?

Awesome mod menu, but the saving options dont work for me… Can’t save any outfit, vehicles or weapon.
Any hint to fix this?

how do u make som1 admin
please help