Delete me 4

I know, i was just letting him know cause why not :stuck_out_tongue:

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In the cl_general.lua file go to line 218 the line will say:

if ( IsControlJustReleased( 0, 288 ) or IsDisabledControlJustReleased( 0, 288 ) ) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) and not IsPauseMenuActive() and not blockinput and ((settings[“adminOnlyTrainer”] == true and adminStatus == true) or settings[“adminOnlyTrainer”] == false) then – f1

You will change ‘0,288’ for both over to ‘0,166’:

if ( IsControlJustReleased( 0, 166 ) or IsDisabledControlJustReleased( 0, 166 ) ) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) and not IsPauseMenuActive() and not blockinput and ((settings[“adminOnlyTrainer”] == true and adminStatus == true) or settings[“adminOnlyTrainer”] == false) then – f1

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Thanks mate :policeman:

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I was wondering if perhaps you could help me out. I am trying to determine how you set the vehicle interior color using this menu (I have heard that you can with this) but when I go through your code, the only native I had not previously used was SetVehicleModColor_1 and 2, but when I used the _1 one, it just seemed to be a ganky way of setting the primary color. I have almost a complete LS customs I am working on, but dont want to release when things like the interior color get randomly set, and cannot be changed, so any help would be appreciated.

Thank You!

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It’s not letting me Spawn anything in?

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What would I have to change in the code to disable the player names and blips? I want it to be disabled globally for all users and I don’t want them to be able to toggle it back on. If you could help it would mean a lot! Thanks!

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Change the default state (true/false) in cl_variables.lua and remove the option from trainer.html to toggle it.

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I have a problem with Mellotrainer.

I wanted to change out Lambda for Mello, since it´s server-sided, and has more possibilities.

I installed it just as in the guide, put my steam 64 hex id (with small letters) like “steam:420myidhere”.

The script doesn´t give any errors, it starts just fine. It is the newest version, also confirmed in the bash.

However when I press F1 or any other binded keys, nothing happens.

What could be the problem here?

BTW: I removed lambda.asi from my plugins folder before installing MelloTrainer.

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Try resetting your keybinds.

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It works when I don’t add myself as an admin haha :D.

I’ll just probably stick with EasyAdmin, but use this as a trainer.

Will turning of scripthookv for the server, make it unable for things like OpenInteriors, visualsettings or PD to work?

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@MrSzyma ASI scripts won’t work anymore, when scripthook is disabled

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But is it only .asi files? Or .dat and .dll too?

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anyone able to hook me up with a guide on how to add addon vehicles to the vehicle spawner. would be much appreciated

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Is there a way to deactivate some of the options available in the menu? For example speed boost, invincible?


How would we disable noclip option for everyone even admins!

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Do you think there would be a way to make it so only cops can use this but they can’t use the ban or kick feature.

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You can make the trainer admin only and go into the HTML and delete everything you do not want in there. Or create custom permissions.

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How do you remove someone from a “Temp Ban” list?

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How to remove a large map on Z?

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Once I spawn a vehicle, the vehicle of another players despawns. This is a serious issue

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