Delete me 4

I know its not what you want to hear @BaluZ but my saved vehicles with Mello survived 200+ server restart while developping and also survived database wipe (mtsaves ftw) and i also could add… survived updates with FxUpdater.

TheStonedTurtle is being too polite lol, i dont think WolfKnight saving code is problematic.

Meaning, there is hope for you my friend

i used this on my server for admins but somehow it disabled all pvp on the server for everyone, we tried to remove the comment on pvptrue but nothing happens

@Mikkel_Krogfelt Try updating the cl_general.lua file

-- Used to turn on global server settings
function initServerConfig()
	SetCanAttackFriendly(GetPlayerPed(-1), true, false)

This should turn PvP on and will be a part of the next update.

Rookie here … but curious to keep learning…

If i may ask… why are you stacking your clients LUA files inside a “client_scripts { }” in the “__resource.lua” and not stack the server LUA files in the same pattern ?

server_scripts {

If there is any difference it would be that separating them ensures they load in that order but i’m not sure if that is truly the case. If memory servers me correct they were both setup to use the {} syntax and @WolfKnight179 changed it when he renamed the files so maybe he can give you more insight.

v0.2.3 i was still using the {} syntax

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Is there currently a way to enable PVP?

v0.5.0 (09-06-2017)

JSON Updates, JSON Editor, Setting Sync System, New Location Menu, Blip/Overhead System Rewrite, and many other code improvements.


  • Majority of JSON moved to external files
  • Blip & Overhead Name System Rewrite
  • Potential fix for vehicles despawning
  • Trainer should now show above other NUI elements
  • PvP is now enabled by this trainer, will add config setting in future version
  • Settings in cl_variables.lua now sync correctly to their default state
  • Changed Map Blips to be on by default
  • Updated requestInput() to return false if the default text is returned
  • Updated vehicle settings being applied/retrieved when getting into a vehicle
  • Modified the F3 Teleport to Marker functionality
  • Many small bug fixes


  • Added the entire Location Teleport menu, some places may not load correctly
  • Added a Player Blip Names toggle, true by default
  • Added Admin Kill and Teleport Player To Me Commands
  • Custom JSON Loading (Editor:
  • Added all Post-Bikers Vehciles and Weapons to the menu (Thanks Fenwick)
  • Z key will now toggle the minimap big/small. Can be removed by removing the if statement in cl_settings.lua under the -- Toggle minimap on keypress comment.

nice work @TheStonedTurtle good job :ok_hand:

Thank you for the update. Now for the positive observation…

I still get this on start… and at this point i can’t make that mistake twice… redownload… delete old mello 4.5 first…
also deleted my cache.


Look how well does it fit over my cash… i wont have to move the trainer to the left anymore! Sweet

Great Location… i am on a world tour… i found stuff i have never seen!

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@docburn, I knew i missed something lol…I’ve redone the v0.5.0 release so that outdated messages no longer gets displayed. Sorry about that xD

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Its clean now
Dont be sorry… if you knew some mistake i have made…lol

I lost 11hr coding yesterday because my table name was case sensitive and i did not know! for 1 fudging letter (ListBlips vs Listblips) Lesson learn the hard way! Betchyo Arse i wont do that mistake again!

Once again awesome work! i really appreciate what you guys do! you make FiveM great again :smiley:
Keep up the good work!
The “Mellotrainer is not up to date” notification is no longer showing for me! it’s fixed!
Also is it OK if i modify some things in the menu? like remove blips, change some default settings (like blips and overhead names enabled by default) and i also changed the vehicle list so now it only show the drift cars i installed on the server!
I did these tweaks to fit the trainer perfectly with my server, i hope it will not annoy you guys. If it cause any problems just let me know i will backup. (don’t want problems hehe)

I have a (maybe stupid) question: what exactly changes if PVP is enabled or disabled?

Variables changes beyond server reboot work great! Its a bunch of those small stuff that make a server perfectly tweaked to my every desire! Merci beaucoup!

Oh and now that i have kissed your arse enough… I recast my vote prematurely for a Weapons Saving mtsave file :wink:

How would the weapon saving be set up though? Like loadouts or individual weapons?

The way i see it for my own individual desire is…

A way to save what i had before login out… if i had bought a taser while in game , i want it to be there when i get back.

Let the server owner deal with the lost of weapons… like most, when you die and respawn, you loose your weapon… or when the cops clean you up after an arrest…

Basically i would just save what is on the person and load it when we log back in… i can also stash my weapon inside my own game inventory mechanics… like in a chest at a warehouse, but all i ask MT is to remember what i had on me and not any extra mechanics.

once again… i dont run a conventionnal server … i am not quite sure about the term loadouts… if you mean like "Becoming a cop and being auto assigned a “set” of weapons.

[sloppy english skill shown be me here…]

I can’t see the player blimps, name over the head… what can I do? Thanks.

@WolfKnight179 make it so there can be a customizable weapon loadout, not individual saving. It would make it so it would be way better for the servers police can have their own custom loadouts

@xONGames, They are off by default for everyone that joins the server. If you’ve toggled them on and still can’t see them then please check the F8 Console/Server Window for error messages.

@BaluZ The trainer was built in a way so that server owners with programming experience can remove/tweak anything they’d like. The goal is to recreate lambda menu server-sided with more customization for server owners. You are currently using Mello Trainer as it was intended to use :slight_smile: .

Backstory: I was originally annoyed that there was no way to customize Lambda Menu since i was trying to ensure players weren’t cheating on a RP Server. It was pretty much impossible to ensure people didn’t have Overhead Names/Blips/Radar “on” so I started working on this trainer with the idea that every feature of the trainer could either be restricted to certain users or removed entirely from the trainer. If you remove stuff from trainer.html that will only remove the ability to toggle it in-game, the code that relies on that variable is still there and in some cases still runs.

License The trainer is licensed under MIT License (Expat) as seen on GitHub so just follow those guidelines and we are fine :slight_smile:
In case you are like me and want it in plain english.

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I have changed text to text 2 in settings.lua. It’s right?

@xONGames text/text2 are only there for displaying the “on”/“off” text in the notification, they are based off the state and do not adjust it.

Download fresh and update the cl_variables.lua file. I’ll write some documentation on it eventually but they are pretty self explanatory and should have a true or false value.

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