Delete me 4

Oh, yeah…it starts at hour 0 not hour 1…I’m a programmer come on me…

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Can you not read the description?

i was dreaming in binary code last night thinking… there is a gazzillion models to choose from inside the trainer… 66 pages … and when trying to customize a skins… you need to back in the menu… and when you want to go back to the next skins… the menu start at he beggining of the list. skins starting by the letter “A”.

There could be a variable called SkinPage… or LastViewSkinPage… whatever the name… that is set when i change pages… and then when i go customize and save skins… and come back to the skin pages… it stayed at the place i was at… exemple letter “M” instead of “A” every time.

It may not be for everybody… and it would be a super minor tweak maybe … but i spend HOURS inside the skinpages… I think i may have seen that feature in another trainer and that would be nice to add it to Mello. Im also pretty sure you guys got your own agenda about features… it was just another 2 cents.

The menu has some very basic page memory that only works going backwards, I guess I could create a more complex system that could accomplish what you are asking.

Ok I set up a mellotrainer just for the cops on our Server so that only those steam IDs can see/use it. At the same time I edited out another trainer, just giving it another name for the Civs. I tried to change the F6 key for the civs trainer but everything I have tried to change the F6 key reults in my controller use just turning off the trainer. Any idea how I can change the other trainer to have another key to open it and still have control of the menu besides closing it? I tried to change it to F1, but no matter what I do it closes the trainer instead of scrolling thru it with my controller.

How do I change the hotkey?

  1. Is there a design problem for me to edit variables.lua for imposing my default setting ? or will i break something in the trainer doing it that way…

ex: featureSpawnInsideCar = false; – Instead of true
so i dont have to change it every server reboot… (while waiting for an update…)

  1. Does Mobile Radio actually work ? Work in progress maybe… it also could just be me not working…

my 2 cent… i dont know where its at but… what we know

looking at the controls… F6 is 167 ==
if you search every files for 167 (with a soft… not manually) i get 2 answers

general.lua and map.lua and one of them does not make sense :slight_smile: for what you want to do

then i see

– Constantly check for trainer movement.
Citizen.CreateThread( function()
while true do
Citizen.Wait( 0 )

	if ( IsControlJustReleased( 1, 167 ) or IsDisabledControlJustReleased( 1, 167 ) ) and not IsPauseMenuActive() and not blockinput and ((settings["adminOnlyTrainer"] == true and adminStatus == true) or settings["adminOnlyTrainer"] == false) then -- f6
		if not showtrainer then
			showtrainer = true

hope it helps… and its one big ass IF :slight_smile:

@Ducker Pretty much what @docburn said, open general.lua, go to line 126 and change the control ids inside IsControlJustReleased( 1, 167 ) or IsDisabledControlJustReleased( 1, 167 ). 167 is F6, so use the controls link @docburn posted and find the key you want.

@docburn You can change the feature variables inside variables.lua and they will apply when you first load the trainer, you won’t break anything by changing them. As for the mobile radio, yes it does work. Turn it on and hold down Q to select your radio whilst on foot.

@Mustang1 As far as I know, the F1 to F3 keys are all actions on the controller, try mapping them to F5, F6 or F7.

How to kick or drive a person through this coach?

What do you mean?..

Is there a function to kick out a player?

Not yet, do you need one?

yes, Need functions like banish the player, find out his ID,

Alright, we’ll add it to the list of things to do.

How long to wait for the update?

When it’s done is about as accurate as I can be.

Where can I turn off these alerts? Who killed whom, who came and went to the server

It’s under the Settings menu. They’re called Player Notifications and Death Notifications.

I’ve just added the ability to kick a player using the trainer, it will be in the next update.