[Release] [Updated 12/19] Simple hat/sunglasses command for police peds

Added /vest command per your request :stuck_out_tongue: @Forgejack

is it any way you can make /hat2, if your ped have 2 hats? so /hat is for the normal hat and /hat2 is for the other hat?

does the vest actually give u armor? or just the model of a vest?

Just the vest but you could add the armor easily

is it any way you can make /hat2, if your ped have 2 hats? so /hat is for the normal hat and /hat2 is for the other hat?

Awesome script. The /vest isn’t working for me however.

I need this in my life!! Is this a release???

Question, Does this replace the Highway Patrol motorcycle helmet with the brimmed hat?

How would i adjust this to work for EUP for mp_m_freemode_01 i added this line

RegisterNetEvent( ‘gloveson’)
AddEventHandler( ‘gloveson’, function()
if (GetEntityModel(GetPlayerPed(-1)) == pd) then
gloves = not gloves
if gloves then
SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 86, 164, 1, 2)

But it is not showing up i got the hat and the sunglasses working but cannot fix the gloves and vest

You got the EUP to work with taking off hats and glasses ???
I’d really appreciate some pointers on how to get those to work gloves not so much really but would really appreciate a pointer on how to get people to be able to take off their hats/helmets and glasses.

would it be easy to change this so mp peds could use the /hat, /glasses, /gloves and /mask so they can put on and take them off ?

I have made a script for that so yea its possible.

Would you mind if you share your script?

Any advice on how you did this? I’ve love the same thing on my server.

Can you use this For MP characters?