[Release] Trains!

Hello its me again!

I remembered that someone once asked about Trains, so here it is, some trains… well, one train, one big train, it has a couple of spawn location and spawns when a session is created ( e.g. someone joins if the session was empty).

Sadly i didnt have time to test it yet, but here you go anyways!


Update 2 - Oops

Second update, just a small fix because i forgot to change some stuff from debugging, have fun!

oh, also FXServer support, great stuff

Update 1 - Trams

And its already time for our first update, this one introduces trams in the city and actual drivers, just redownload the zip and overwrite the old files, have fun!

… and a pic for people that can’t believe trains exist:

So yeah… thats it, beware that they might behave weirdly, if you find any major issues tell me and i’ll check it.

Have Fun!


Video or it didn’t happen :stuck_out_tongue:

Good shit bud.

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Ahah i was looking it few hours ago and booom , here you are )

Ill try it. IS It possible to have a blip following it real time in the map?? that’d be awesome!

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Sure is! I just cannot be asked to do it :^)

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Oh. okay. any specific reason why not? (you dont have to answer)

because attaching blips to elements via networking is painful and i cant be asked, i made a workaround to that tho.

Basically how it works is you create the blip with pre-set coordinates on the client side and keep updating the coordinates via events
client create blip > host sends coords to server > server distributes them to clients

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I think you mean “can’t be assed” :wink:


Both terms are used and work just fine.

‘I can’t be asked to do it’, as in, ‘Don’t ask me [to do it] because I have no intention of doing it’


Oh… never heard it that way. Only ever heard ‘assed’ :grin:

according to google :tm:

In this particular case, the consensus view appears to be, however, that the correct expression is ‘can’t be arsed’ and the other one (‘can’t be asked’) would be a re-interpretation

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This is a very strange conversation.

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Hey, an update!

Update 1 - Trams

And its already time for our first update, this one introduces trams in the city and actual drivers, just redownload the zip and overwrite the old files, have fun!


thanks for this :smiley: glad to see the rails being used

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He doesn’t work for me, I testing all locations but anything is happening

TrainLocations = {

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The locations are random from that Table.

Try adding

	TrainCoords = GetEntityCoords(Train)
	SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), TrainCoords.x,TrainCoords.y,TrainCoords.z+5,1,0,0,0)

after line 97 and see if it spawns you on the train


I found the metro but is doesn’t stop ahaha

yup, the trains dont seem to stop at stations, no idea why.

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I don’t know if is possible to had something like “waitcitizen”

@Bluethefurry likes trains!

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