[RELEASE] TrafficAlert - A Message Broadcast System [UPDATED!]

Oh i see. Let me know if you figure anything out imma have a look.

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Thanks for the release my friend

Thats perfectly fine by me :slight_smile:

After all, Isn’t that what modding should be? :snail:

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can someone tell what is the code for the 247 stores?


Any luck on finding out the 24/7 Notification pic???

I personally have no idea what the Photo name for the 24/7 is. If anyone figures that out please do post it here so everyone can see it

i think dojrp custom made their’s because i looked all over the web and just nothing. gtav natives, gta5 websites etc nothing! i’m just starting to make my own based on dojrp lmk if you want it :wink:

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I believe that you are right. I have looked at https://wiki.■■■■■.net/index.php/Notification_Pictures and also in the folders at: x64b.rpf\data\cdimages\scaleform_generic.rpf and its not in there either. Sorry Toni but I am still looking.

I did everything correct, added it to my resource folder, and my server.cfg. It loads the resource when I load the game but doesn’t work when I try it. What went wrong?

Your probabably typing the command wrong like I did. Type “/ad traffic” then hit enter. A box will pop up where you type the message.

how do i make the message longer

Hey can i get permission to use this script and uploaded it? im gonna change it up a bit. @ToniMorton

I developed the Ad Pack that includes the 24/7 logo on it, indeed GTA V doesn’t have an icon for the store so you need to customize one. In my pack i include instructions on how to add icons and create ads.

Its not working for me, I started it and did everything right but when I do the command in chat it only says "Command ‘TrafficAlert’ entered…


The download link seems to be down, and I’d like to have the script for the intended purpose only instead of the ad modifications, any chance to get the code or a new download link?

Fixed the Download Link

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Thanks a lot :smile:

The link no longer works :cold_sweat:

Download Link has been Updated! Sorry about that

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This is not working anymnore :frowning: