[Release] Terrov Series - Graphics, Visuals, Textures, Physics Modifications

Well I mean the textures work just fine, just. ReShade is broken with the latest update.

1070 8gb i5-6600k 16gb ddr4 ram

hmm well im not sure…


Removed discord references, this is against the PSA that was put out a while back.

Hey everyone Terrov Series has officially started a RP server check it out on server bazaar!

what about an update for Terrov?

I will be making updates for Natural Vision. Currently I am not working on any graphics update for terrov.

Hey, did you find that your vehicle slowed down compaired to everybody else?

I have had an issue once I’ve installed Terrov where it has slowed everything down for me.

My friend is doing 40mph however I am only doing 20mph but for me it is showing 40mph.

Anyone else having this issue / know how to fix it?

Hey! I love the terrov series, I was playing on a server and I noticed this happening. It was light snow, during the day time. Snow was awfully bright and looked like this, I couldn’t see any land. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/958602614522601641/8C5FB62E09924A003538EF69C97A6866B34F673D/

i can’t remember if there was a handling.meta added into the pack but you can go to fiveMappdata/citizen/common/data and if you see a file named handling.meta remove it and that should resolve the issue if that file is not located there then it must be something server sided

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Hey so I’ve tried this however it didn’t work so I’ve turned of VSync and it seems to have improved the speed so I am now only 10mphs behind others.

My update on my discord can fix that. It’s more of a beta so thats why its not officially posted here.


thats what i get after installing your pack step by step from your video.

So is there currently an ossie ?

So I installed this following the video and everything worked, but for some reason I can’t get the Shift+F2 Menu to open. Any fix?

This is an issue with FiveM’s anticheat changes.

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I noticed when I installed this mod (at least I believe it was when I did) the headlights on the front of my mustang became wigwags along the ones on the back, however, the ones on the back don’t cycle and just turn on and stay on. Is there any way in any of the files to enable wigwags on the taillights properly?
As in, which file actually affects the police wigwags in the files so I can see which ones I want to modify myself as well.

Also, has anyone found a fix for LA roads? I see them loading in at a low resolution, but when the road renders fully, it’s just the default GTA V roads

Install Reshade For FiveM - Install ReShade For FiveM (December 2018)

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