[Release] Tackle System

This video doesn’t work anymore :frowning:

It’s the same as the other video but you only tackle someone if you actually come into contact with someone and adds supports for multiple people.

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im guessing u removed this option now?
as its not in the client lua any more


The script doesn’t work, it tell the other person that they’ve been tackle, my character do the ragdoll animation, but nothing happen to the person

Are you sure you’re on the latest version? There was a bug in the old version where whenever someone new joins the server you have to restart the resource.

Well I downloaded the script from the link in the first post, unless you havn’t modified it with your lastest version.

Looks as if this took a lot of time and effort, I’ve seen a lot of servers using this and from what I’ve seen this is a very professionally developed mod.

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how would i change this so you have to double tap space bar for it to tackle please?

You will need to edit the following line of code in the clinet.lua

Line 7

if IsPedJumping(PlayerPedId()) and IsControlJustReleased(0, TackleKey) then

Add another key and bind them to spacebar

Thats it! :ok_hand:

I made a basic config so people cane easily switch key bindings, that’s why it says “TackleKey”.


Don’t you just love it when a dev is active on his threads lol :joy:. Good job scott!

More would be active if this community wouldn’t be so fucking retarded…

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Yeah, I thought he was being sarcastic, but now I read it he was being honest. Oops :man_facepalming:, deleted.

Hello i don’t know if this would be interesting, but if you change:

if IsPedJumping(PlayerPedId()) and IsControlJustReleased(0, TackleKey) then
if IsPedWalking(PlayerPedId()) and IsControlJustReleased(0, TackleKey) then

You just need to press our Chosen Keybind and “W”
You don’t need to press space tackle same one! If you press space it works normaly

Well the only reason why we used IsPedJumping(...) instead of IsPedWalking(...) is to make it like the original GTA V tackle system. The one you can use with the story characters.


Great script, working perfectly and spice up RP to another level :wink:

Am I able to reduce the damage the ped takes when tackle miss/success?

It doesn’t ragdoll players when I tackle them. Did FiveM patch this, or…?

anyone have a fix for this? would love this on our server

news??? new link!

There isn’t anything wrong with it?