[Release] Steam Avatar Scoreboard [0.4]

Did you happen to miss a > or < in the xml… or somehow make a mistake with the formatting?

You can use this https://www.freeformatter.com/xml-formatter.html to quickly check for xml formatting errors :wink:

I have the error of Noam and my XML is not rename and have no error.
PS: The error don’t affect the scoreboard, we can display it in game :wink:

@NoamKvet @Ciwiel - Sorry for the issues. Can you guys download this: http://www.mediafire.com/file/79uazq4947sh8tr/BrigSteamScoreBoardSV.net.dll

Just replace the .dll in your resource folder with that. This will print out a better explanation of the error. Once you do that and get the error, can you copy/paste whole error from your server log here? Thank you :slight_smile:

I had error when i put BrigSteamScoreBoard folder inside [system] folder. After I moved it resources folder it worked well.

That is because it is looking for a file in resources/BrigSteamScoreBoard. :wink:

I’ll probably release an update utilizing FiveM’s ability to set variables in the resource… because I totally forgot that existed, and it will stop these problems with making sure everything is perfect for the .xml.

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Nice Script, Really liking the background of it!

yeap same thing for me its in the system folder :confused: will move it to be in the resource, ooopsss…

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It’s perfect, thank you for your help. Your last update applied the function to hide the names of other players? thank you very much

Not yet :disappointed_relieved:

Oh ok ty no problems i will wait for it ! Do you have a discord Briglair ? :slight_smile:

I do not

Ok thx a lot, i will wait a bit :slight_smile: Have a nice day

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Hi Briglair,

Very nice work. On a server script of mine (C#), I have the same error when I do a TriggerClientEvent. Would it be possible to know how you corrected it ?

Thanks !

Its very nice Script bro :slight_smile:
Found out there is an bug on it somethimes… xd
Its says you and many other people are online on the server xd

I figure the error was because I was triggering a client event too soon (before everything initialized). As a temporary (until I can find out a better method…) work around, I just put an await Delay(5000) before the first triggerclientevent, and that seems to give enough time for everything to sort of catch up I guess.

Oh no :open_mouth: Me and 3 others, repeated? Like in the example screenshot? Was this on first join, did it ever fix itself? I need a little more info on when exactly this happened. Any client/server errors?


Hello man. :slight_smile:
Its fixes it selfs after like 1/3 minuts… :slight_smile:
Its not only on First Join, its totaly random
I have no erros in the Console or anything…
I will take a screenshot of it next time i get it.

Does this replace the mouse button scoreboard aswell??

I’m not sure what scoreboard that is (I think the default one?), but this doesn’t replace anything. You can run as many scoreboards as you want (why though?). This is a separate, standalone resource.

Pushed an update 0.3. See the main post.

@All_Sor - I’ve added in the steam ID feature. You will need to edit the index.html file, though. On line 58, where it says event.data.playerName, replace that with event.data.playerSteam. That will show the steam ID instead of the name.

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