[Release] [Standalone] Disable Jump Area/Props

Disable Jump Area

I begin by apologizing for my English, I created this very easy and light resource to prevent trolling in certain areas, I saw that no one had ever done such a thing and in ten minutes I finished it all. I hope it’s useful for someone, maybe for a police station.

disablejumparea.rar (740 Bytes)
disablejumparea.rar (With multi-disable) (952 Bytes)

GitHub Link


x = x coordinate
y = y coordinate
z = coordinate z
radius = radius of the disabling

Disable Jump Props

disablejumpprops.rar (906 Bytes)

GitHub Link

First script published on FiveM Forum

P.S. I’m a vRP developer and started publishing an independent script

Good Game :slight_smile:


A little suggestion would be having the ability to add more than one area

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Ok, it will be done soon

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Cool little release, but if you can put it on Github it will be great for people wanting to look at the code without downloading anything. :wink:

give me a minute

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If you would like to disable jumping in basically every single interior (you can probably make a whitelist for this but im too lazy to look up the ids) heres a codeblob

while true do
	if GetRoomKeyFromEntity(GetPlayerPed(-1)) == 0 then

Alot cleaner than using coords for every single interior in the game id say haha

Still, Nice Release!

By tomorrow a third version will be released with the props enabled.

Thanks for the idea, released :slight_smile: