[Release] Spotlight - Vehicle Spotlight Script [1.0] - FaxSlav

Read the above, has been asked an answered a few times.

I had this happen to me as well. A quick /restart SpotLight fixes it.

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works great minus the fact it only goes up or down it wont go side to side, is there a quick fix to this or does someone have the same issue?

Edit: I’m using add on police slots, so I switched it to false in the config just to be safe, still achieved the same results

Hey so when I do “/spotlight” nothing happens. It doesn’t bring up the Spotlight on in the top the right or anything, it’s just literally nothing in chat or console

Is there away to just make it move left and right? So it can be useful for looking down alleys etc? I dont like how i cant move it left or right sometimes but can go up and down perfectly i see left and right being more effective with the spotlight not up and down . . .

It’s scripted to work that way… See the video, I know it can have conflicts however

works perfect when your by yourself but when other players by you too and have spotlight on it breaks the script and cannot use it again until you restart your server kinda sucks but good script hope it gets fix

I have a couple of questions for you, can you add me on discord: bzisniper#7577

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Client Version!!!

This is a new version which should not have the syncing issues as the other version has for some. Download Below.


not sure if its just me, but the script ends up stop working globally whenever a car using the spotlight gets deleted before turned off. again, could be me. have to restart the script before it works again.

On which version?

It’s great and I love it. It would be even cooler if you changed the spotlight to toggle on when the HighBeams are active in an emergency vehicle

Yeah, but then - in my eyes. It removes the ability for takedown lights

Could just be an option in the config :man_shrugging:

The client version removes the ability to move the spotlight around, correct?

I know. That’s to help it not spaz out and go out of sync

Added this to our server and it didnt work. On our custom cars.

Ive had no issues with custom cars the only thing Id suggest is restart the resource using the console

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This should not be an issue, check the config!

For the light being buggy? There is a client version on GitHub which you can download.

the light works perfectly fine for me sometimes you have to restart if it doesn’t show up but thats no big deal

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