[Release] SimpleFine

Simple Extortion…

Long story short, this is a simple modification i attempted to allow some cops be become dirty and extort players who they deemed worthy :stuck_out_tongue: (it made for some interesting RP with trouble players).
I currently have the command setup for Couch DB (User Permissions) thus, if you are using a different way of identifying authoritative figures in your server, simply change the parameters. Also, there is a $500 cap on extorting… if a cop attempts to extort more than 500 at once they get kicked for abusing their power (same goes for non cop players who attempt to run the command).
(Working on ES3 - Needs to be updated for ES4)

Client side

AddEventHandler("rc:extort", function(receiverid, extort)
  if true then
		AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName("~y~If you feel the cost of your safety is ~r~too high~y~, feel free to call my supervisor at ~r~/911.")
	    SetNotificationMessage("CHAR_LEST_FRANK_CONF", "CHAR_LEST_FRANK_CONF", true, 4, "~h~Dirty Cop", "~r~You have been extorted!")
		DrawNotification(false, true); 

Server Side

   AddEventHandler('ap:extort', function(receiverid, extort)
	TriggerEvent('es:getPlayerFromId', receiverid, function(user)
	local player = user.identifier
	TriggerClientEvent("rc:extort", receiverid, extort)				

TriggerEvent("es:addCommand", "extort", function(source, args, user)
	if user.permission_level >= 3 and (args[2] ~= nil and tonumber(args[3]) > 0) then
			local receiverid = tonumber(args[2])
			local extort = tonumber(args[3])
			TriggerEvent('ap:extort', receiverid, extort)
			    if ((extort)) >= 501 then
			    DropPlayer(user.source, "Abuse of power!")
	elseif user.permission_level <= 3 then
	DropPlayer(user.source, "ATTEMPTED TO RUN COP COMMANDS!")

Custom Chat Icon
char_lest_frank_conf.ytd (2.6 KB)

Any ScreenShots? (20 Char Limit)

did you restrict it so only cops can use it? :slight_smile:

Error running call reference function for resource SimpleFine: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:351: sv_fine.lua:13: attempt to compare number with nil

I get this error when trying to use the command.

Download link is dead, can someone send me the link?


Download link is broke. Can you send another one please?

how can i add reason to fine?

Can you make so you have to make a group der has permissions to give fines