[Release] SimpleCarHUD - Standalone Car HUD for Speed, Fuel, Seatbelt, Cruise, Time and Location [v1.30]

how can i keep the PLD up on screen at all time?

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How you has added the num plate?

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Some way to optimize because when it is in the vehicle it looks like the (ms) of the resource

Anyway to disable the vanilla GTA street names in the bottom right?

Also add voice status to the hud?

This works with LegacyFuel?

Hereā€™s the resource I put together to hide parts of the HUD.

You need to modify the source to add whatever elements you want.

Yes it should work with LegacyFuel now.

Can anyone help me out here ?
Iā€™m trying to add another color to the fuel text.

Normal is white, Warn is orange and Empty is red
How do i implent the fuelColor in the local ? I tryed so much and i cant get it work together.

Added the Empty level and color

local fuelEmptyLimit = 10.0
local fuelColorEmpty = {255, 96, 96}
local fuelColor = (currentFuel >= fuelWarnLimit) and fuelColorOver or fuelColorUnder

For some reason the fuel is stuck at 65 and does not update. Any ideas? I use Realistic Vehicle Failure, but not sure if that effects cuz I tested with it disabled.

how can i change seatbelts key?

The code should look something like this, havenā€™t tested it but should be pretty close to what you want.

local fuelWarnLimit = 25.0                  -- Fuel limit for triggering warning color
local fuelEmptyLimit = 10.0                 -- Fuel limit for triggering empty color
local fuelColorText = {255, 255, 255}       -- Color used to display fuel text
local fuelColorGood = {255, 255, 255}       -- Color used to display fuel when good
local fuelColorWarn = {255, 176, 96}        -- Color used to display fuel warning
local fuelColorEmpty = {255, 96, 96}        -- Color used to display fuel error
-- Draw fuel gauge
local currentFuel = GetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle)
local fuelColor = (currentFuel >= fuelWarnLimit) and fuelColorGood or fuelColorWarn 
fuelColor = (currentFuel >= fuelEmptyLimit) and fuelColor or fuelColorEmpty

If you arenā€™t using a fuel mod like legacy fuel then it wonā€™t go down, I believe fuel is in liters so most likely that car is full with 65 L of fuel (about 17 gal).

Please read through the source code, everything should be commented and pretty self explanatory.

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Works like a charm! Thank you so much. :slightly_smiling_face:

How would you make the street display and time show when youā€™re not in a car? if someone could tell me that be great

Easiest way would be to just change lines 54-55 to

-- Always display location+time
if true then

thank you!

How to change to KMH?

can u elaborate on this just make a simple if statement?

I moved if (IsPedInAnyVehicle(player, false)) then
To line 74.

mp/h: local speed = currSpeed*2.237
km/h: local speed = currSpeed*3.6


can someone release this part;

I want to take it out (minimap and icon on minimap)

Hereā€™s the resource for that, pretty straight forward.