[RELEASE] Simple Dirty Money Laundering 0.2 [04/07] UPDATED

Hi guys,

Here is a script for dirty money laundering !


  • EssentialMode with dirty money


In client.lua :

local showBlip = true
local maxDirty = 100000

True = Show blip on map
False = Hide blip on map
100000 = Max Amount per transaction

local emplacement = {
{name="Blanchisserie", id=108, colour=75, x=1269.73, y=-1710.25, z=54.7715},

line 50 :

local x = 1269.73 
local y = -1710.25
local z = 54.7715


PS : I know it’s useless to repeat 2 times the coords !

In server.lua :

local taux = 0.80

Bleach rate (0.80 : 100 000$ dirty = 80 000$ clean)

Screens : http://mysticrp.16mb.com/

Download: https://github.com/MysticRP/blanchisseur/


For me it’s not working at all

Not working for ? Can you specify?

Like it does not load anything. No Blips no nothing, i made mysel blip to that location if it was just that but nothing happens if i press H at Lester’s house.

EDIT: You should add some instructions how to use the script.


local blanchisseur = {
 {name="Argent Sale", colour=15, id=351, x=1269.73, y=-1710.25, z=54.7715}, -- Laundering Coords
} Lester Home


local blanchisseur = {
 {name="Argent Sale", colour=15, id=351, x=1269.73, y=-1710.25, z=54.7715}, -- Laundering Coords
}-- Lester Home

And blips are not displayed by default

Now it loads fine but after i try to launder it gives error ‘table:getMoney’ not found.

Can you give me a screenshot of error ?

Here you go

table:GetMoney not found, u’re missing something in database

Got it work just changed

		local cash = tonumber(user:getMoney()) -- Get player money
		local dcash = tonumber(user:getDirty_Money()) -- Get player dirty money


		local cash = user:money -- Get player money
		local dcash = user:dirty_money -- Get player dirty money

This will not give you the money and DirtyMoney att all

Go to “resources\essentialmode\server\classes\player.lua”
Add :

function Player:getMoney()
	return self.money

function Player:getDirty_Money()
	return self.dirty_money

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please washed cash via command admin … example " /washed 10000 " in owner in db and money washed … Please work for this command :slight_smile: Im so novice for work this command : /

In game command or rCon Console Command ?

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Sorry for my english im french …

In game command :wink:

Example : /car infernus = spawn infernus

Example : /washed = money washed

Only admin command in chat command in game:)

Im not sure but you can try : sv_admin.lua , add :

TriggerEvent('es:addGroupCommand', 'wash', "admin", function(source, args, user)	
	local cash = tonumber(user:getMoney()) -- Get player money
		local dcash = tonumber(user:getDirty_Money()) -- Get player dirty money
		if dcash <= 0 then -- If player have not dirty money then
			 TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_LESTER", 1, "Argent Sale", false, "Tu n'a pas d'argent à blanchir") -- You haven't got money to launder
		local washedcash = dcash * 0.5 -- Change value (0.5 = 100 000 money - > 50 000 dirty money)
		local total = cash + washedcash -- Total player cash + washed cash
		user:setMoney(total) -- Set total money
		user:setDirty_Money(0) -- Set dirty money to 0
	 TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_LESTER", 1, "Argent Sale", false, "Vous avez blanchi ~g~".. tonumber(washedcash) .."$~r~ d'argent sale^0. Vous avez maintenant ~g~".. tonumber(total) .."$")
	 end -- Message: You have laundered 10$ , now you have 100$ (EXAMPLE)	
end, function(source, args, user)
	TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, "SYSTEME", {255, 0, 0}, "Pas la permission !")

Edit by Havoc: Fixed your code tags for you :wink:


I do not know if anyone can help me, but here I wanted to add the money launderer I put it no error and at the time it tells me H to bleach some error happens when 'press H

Very very thanks guy !!! I try the code this afternoon thanks again guy

can you send me a screenshot of error ?