[Release]Secret Weapon Dealer [Mapping+Script]

#[ Crédit: Patoche#4072 : Mapping ¦-¦ Thom512#0990 : Script ¦-]#


"we find ourselves today for a new mapping concerning an illegal or legal
( Config.ArgentSale = true Or False on the “config.lua” ) vendor hidden in a barn"


:books:Table of contents :

  • :hammer_and_pick: Description
  • :camera: Screenshot exemple
  • :video_camera: Vidéo demonstration ( With ENGLISH :uk: subtitle :rofl: )
  • :floppy_disk: Download the mapping + install insctruction inside


:hammer_and_pick: Description:

What can you find here ?

  • A discreet atmosphere
  • Stock of weapons
  • 1 salesman and 2 bodyguards
  • A test dummy
  • 2 doors to access the interior


:camera: Screenshot exemple :


:video_camera: Vidéo demonstration : ( With ENGLISH :uk: subtitle :rofl: )


:floppy_disk: Download the mapping ( with install instruction inside ) :
SecretWeaponDealer.zip (1.5 MB)

#[ Crédit: Patoche#4072 : Mapping ¦-¦ Thom512#0990 : Script ¦-]#

:innocent: This is again my small contribution to the fivem community Hope you enjoy


Cool script and mapping but not so secret when showing where everything is :slight_smile:

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:astonished: It’s OFF RP to say that :dizzy_face:

Well , it’s secret :innocent: except for bad RP players :rage:


Thanks for sharing, man. You are the best map maker in the Fivem environment, no fps or drop issues and an excellent map.

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ymaps ResidentSleeper

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@Patoche-Mapping et encore une pour ma collection est très utile celle-ci , un grand bravo à toi patoche tu déchires !:100::100::100::100::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

and again one for my collection is very useful this one, a big congratulations to you patoche ! :100::100::100::100::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


what do you mean ?

@Breze @Patoche-Mapping une map qui fait dormir , ennuyeuse qui lui sert à rien , moi au contraire je l’aime elle donne plus de RP pour les armes illégales… c’est bien pensé patoche!

a map that makes sleep, boring that is useless, I on the contrary I like it gives more RP for illegal weapons … it’s well thought patoche!

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As always I’d love to see you put your talent towards MLO maps. Ymaps create frame drops and are very limited.


he thinks ymaps are boring and its appropriate to comment about it on your release :roll_eyes:

awesome release dude :sunglasses:

the only downside with MLO maps is sometimes they conflict (using same collisions?). makes me sad when a map in a completely different location stops another from loading :frowning_face:

You get like 100 points for that video demonstration. I love this. Well done.

yes yes i love ymaps looks gud, ill move my special gun shop from mc to here i think.

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We use over 30 MLO maps, only had that issue once.


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Thx nice map/script

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how could i change it to give items instead of weapons

on the script : config.lua

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Awesome BBB !! (Big Biloute with Baguette)

do you have the coords to lock the doors?

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