[Release] Safe Zone(s) Updated 9/10/18

It’s really not nice to copy someone else’s idea/script, but I appreciate the fact that people want to copy me, that means I done something good :smiley:

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Zentrix it was first with this script =)))

You are the “Scripts GOD”
You are a model for me <3

And guess who made it :stuck_out_tongue:

People in safe zone shoot people outside the safe zone.

How can i delete the blue circle ? Just safezone withouth the circle?

delete drawmarker

new update https://github.com/syndicate1984/SafeZoneV2.0

@Tomas_Cardoso as syndicate said.
Delete draw marker from the code.

How to disable that blue bars ?

would there be a way for you to remove the blue line? so you visually can’t see there is anything there but just looks normal with the script working? as in my server rules it mentions the safe zones, so was wondering could you remove that blue line completely? so just looks normal ? thanks in advance

Yep yep. Look at the very bottom of the script. I have a comment saying what lines to comment out for you to not have a circle.
@KreX_69 @GamingWithJosh

really appreciate it thank you! also thanks for releasing the script!

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Hi friend, look…the only thing that does not work is the messages, the blue circus and you can not use the weapons with the TAB is going very well, but the subject of the message does not work … in my resource if I put the thing of dependency ‘pNotify’ the server does not recognize the resource, but if I remove this last one works and I think the problem is there, in the ‘pNotify’.

My client.lua
local zones = {
	{ ['x'] = 1847.916015625, ['y'] = 3675.8190917968, ['z'] = 33.767009735108},
	{ ['x'] = -1688.43811035156, ['y'] = -1073.62536621094, ['z'] = 13.1521873474121 },
	{ ['x'] = -2195.1352539063, ['y'] = 4288.7290039063, ['z'] = 49.173923492432 }

local notifIn = false
local notifOut = false
local closestZone = 1

-------                              Creating Blips at the locations. 							--------------
-------You can comment out this section if you dont want any blips showing the zones on the map.--------------

	while not NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) do
	for i = 1, #zones, 1 do
		local szBlip = AddBlipForCoord(zones[i].x, zones[i].y, zones[i].z)
		SetBlipAsShortRange(szBlip, true)
		SetBlipColour(szBlip, 2)  --Change the blip color: https://gtaforums.com/topic/864881-all-blip-color-ids-pictured/
		SetBlipSprite(szBlip, 398) -- Change the blip itself: https://marekkraus.sk/gtav/blips/list.html
		AddTextComponentString("SAFE ZONE") -- What it will say when you hover over the blip on your map.

----------------   Getting your distance from any one of the locations  --------------------------------------

	while not NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) do
	while true do
		local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true))
		local minDistance = 100000
		for i = 1, #zones, 1 do
			dist = Vdist(zones[i].x, zones[i].y, zones[i].z, x, y, z)
			if dist < minDistance then
				minDistance = dist
				closestZone = i

---------   Setting of friendly fire on and off, disabling your weapons, and sending pNoty   -----------------

	while not NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) do
	while true do
		local player = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		local x,y,z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(player, true))
		local dist = Vdist(zones[closestZone].x, zones[closestZone].y, zones[closestZone].z, x, y, z)
		if dist <= 50.0 then  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here you can change the RADIUS of the Safe Zone. Remember, whatever you put here will DOUBLE because 
			if not notifIn then																			  -- it is a sphere. So 50 will actually result in a diameter of 100. I assume it is meters. No clue to be honest.
					text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You are in a SafeZone</b>",
					type = "success",
					timeout = (3000),
					layout = "bottomcenter",
					queue = "global"
				notifIn = true
				notifOut = false
			if not notifOut then
					text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You are in NO LONGER a SafeZone</b>",
					type = "error",
					timeout = (3000),
					layout = "bottomcenter",
					queue = "global"
				notifOut = true
				notifIn = false
		if notifIn then
		DisableControlAction(2, 37, true) -- disable weapon wheel (Tab)
		DisablePlayerFiring(player,true) -- Disables firing all together if they somehow bypass inzone Mouse Disable
      	DisableControlAction(0, 106, true) -- Disable in-game mouse controls
			if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(2, 37) then --if Tab is pressed, send error message
				SetCurrentPedWeapon(player,GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED"),true) -- if tab is pressed it will set them to unarmed (this is to cover the vehicle glitch until I sort that all out)
					text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You can not use weapons in a Safe Zone</b>",
					type = "error",
					timeout = (3000),
					layout = "bottomcenter",
					queue = "global"
			if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 106) then --if LeftClick is pressed, send error message
				SetCurrentPedWeapon(player,GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED"),true) -- If they click it will set them to unarmed
					text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You can not do that in a Safe Zone</b>",
					type = "error",
					timeout = (3000),
					layout = "bottomcenter",
					queue = "global"
		-- Comment out lines 142 - 145 if you dont want a marker.
	 	if DoesEntityExist(player) then	      --The -1.0001 will place it on the ground flush		-- SIZING CIRCLE |  x    y    z | R   G    B   alpha| *more alpha more transparent*
	 		DrawMarker(1, zones[closestZone].x, zones[closestZone].y, zones[closestZone].z-1.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 2.0, 13, 232, 255, 155, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- heres what all these numbers are. Honestly you dont really need to mess with any other than what isnt 0.
	 		--DrawMarker(type, float posX, float posY, float posZ, float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ, float scaleX, float scaleY, float scaleZ, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, BOOL bobUpAndDown, BOOL faceCamera, int p19(LEAVE AS 2), BOOL rotate, char* textureDict, char* textureName, BOOL drawOnEnts)
My __resource.lua
resource_manifest_version '77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5'

client_script "client.lua"

How can i remove the line?. Like the circle line that show how big the safe zone is (green circle line)

Suddenly not working for me :man_shrugging: Double checked for syntax errors or anything like that, nothing, multiple cache clears, nothing.

No errors in console.

Does anyone have Client.lua for job center, DMV school and legion garage, i could not change the spots. I’am kind of new so if someone can help me with it, it will be amazing :slight_smile:

I just installed it and works just fine for me. My guess is that you edited it and messed up something.

@davewazere Found a bug where you teleport from one safe zone to another, you have a couple of second window that you can pull out a weapon and get a kill before the safe zone loads.

Nice work !

Didn’t change anything :shrug: will try to reinstall just in case, double checking for anything that could be conflicting.