[Release] Safe Zone(s) Updated 9/10/18

How can we disable more keys? like R coz R button do the punch.

http://docs.fivem.net/game-references/controls/ Look up the keys you would like to disable. That simple

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As anders said:

Add the three DisableControlAction lines below the if statement I have below to stop the melee attacks. This was in the original script but it was thought to be not necessary when using friendlyfire.

		if dist <= 50 then
			DisableControlAction(0, 140, true)
			DisableControlAction(0, 141, true)
			DisableControlAction(0, 142, true)

Actually i tried that and didnt work “davewazere” but it was my fault i forgot the " ) " lol im dumb, thank you coz u remind me to read again your answer correct X_X

Hey i have on Question. How can i set that me as a Admin can Shoot inside (Permission) ?
Can i set this with the Steam ID oder License or something else and how looks the Script like?

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You could use IsPlayerAceAllowed() in the code and just end instead of affecting said players with the aces.

And add the aces in your server cfg. Other than that I’m not sure how to have it within the file itself. Never really messed with permissions other than vrp.

I think @vespura had a really good explanation in one of his posts. I’ll find it for you

Edit. Here you go

Note that “IsPlayerAceAllowed()” is server side only. So you’ll need to check permissions on the server and then send them to the client.

how to take out the blips? i’ve tried to set it up to 0 but it is still showing…

You need to comment out the whole blip section.

-------                              Creating Blips at the locations. 							--------------
-------You can comment out this section if you dont want any blips showing the zones on the map.--------------

	while not NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) do
	for i = 1, #zones, 1 do
		local szBlip = AddBlipForCoord(zones[i].x, zones[i].y, zones[i].z)
		SetBlipAsShortRange(szBlip, true)
		SetBlipColour(szBlip, 2)  --Change the blip color: https://gtaforums.com/topic/864881-all-blip-color-ids-pictured/
		SetBlipSprite(szBlip, 398) -- Change the blip itself: https://marekkraus.sk/gtav/blips/list.html
		AddTextComponentString("SAFE ZONE") -- What it will say when you hover over the blip on your map.


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Hi bro,
I have a Spanish server of zombies and I have also installed the CorruptSnail, what I need is that when a player is in a safe area, the zombies that enter die instantly or disappear. Here I leave the whole code of the zombiespawner of CorruptSnail

-- CODE --

players = {}

AddEventHandler("Z:playerUpdate", function(mPlayers)
	players = mPlayers

peds = {}

	SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(5, GetHashKey("zombeez"), GetHashKey("PLAYER"))
	SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(5, GetHashKey("zombeez"), GetHashKey("bandit"))
	SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(5, GetHashKey("PLAYER"), GetHashKey("zombeez"))


	while true do
		if #peds < 15 then
			x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))

			choosenPed = pedModels[math.random(1, #pedModels)]
			choosenPed = string.upper(choosenPed)
			while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(choosenPed)) or not HasCollisionForModelLoaded(GetHashKey(choosenPed)) do

			local newX = x
			local newY = y
			local newZ = z + 999.0


				newX = x + math.random(-50, 50)
				newY = y + math.random(-50 , 50)
				_,newZ = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(newX+.0,newY+.0,z, 1)

				for _, player in pairs(players) do
					playerX, playerY = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
					if newX > playerX - 35 and newX < playerX + 35 or newY > playerY - 35 and newY < playerY + 35 then
						canSpawn = false
						canSpawn = true
			until canSpawn

			ped = CreatePed(4, GetHashKey(choosenPed), newX, newY, newZ, 0.0, true, true)
			SetPedArmour(ped, 100)
			SetPedAccuracy(ped, 25)
			SetPedSeeingRange(ped, 100.0)
			SetPedHearingRange(ped, 80.0)

			SetPedFleeAttributes(ped, 0, 0)
			SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 16, 1)
			SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 17, 0)
			SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 46, 1)
			SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 1424, 0)
			SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 5, 1)
			SetAmbientVoiceName(ped, "ALIENS")
			SetPedEnableWeaponBlocking(ped, true)
			SetPedRelationshipGroupHash(ped, GetHashKey("zombeez"))
			DisablePedPainAudio(ped, true)
			SetPedDiesInWater(ped, false)
			SetPedDiesWhenInjured(ped, false)
			--	PlaceObjectOnGroundProperly(ped)
			SetPedIsDrunk(ped, true)
			while not HasAnimSetLoaded("move_m@drunk@verydrunk") do
			SetPedMovementClipset(ped, "move_m@drunk@verydrunk", 1.0)
			ApplyPedDamagePack(ped,"BigHitByVehicle", 0.0, 9.0)
			ApplyPedDamagePack(ped,"SCR_Dumpster", 0.0, 9.0)
			ApplyPedDamagePack(ped,"SCR_Torture", 0.0, 9.0)

			TaskWanderStandard(ped, 1.0, 10)
			local pspeed = math.random(20,70)
			local pspeed = pspeed/10
			local pspeed = pspeed+0.01
			SetEntityMaxSpeed(ped, 5.0)

			if not NetworkGetEntityIsNetworked(ped) then

			table.insert(peds, ped)

		for i, ped in pairs(peds) do
			if DoesEntityExist(ped) == false then
				table.remove(peds, i)
			pedX, pedY, pedZ = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(ped, true))
			if IsPedDeadOrDying(ped, 1) == 1 then
				-- Set ped as no longer needed for despawning
				local dropChance = math.random(0,100)
				if GetPedSourceOfDeath(ped) == PlayerPedId() then
					if dropChance >= 95 then
					zombiekillsthislife = zombiekillsthislife+1
					zombiekills = zombiekills+1

				Citizen.InvokeNative(0xB736A491E64A32CF, Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(ped))
				table.remove(peds, i)
				playerX, playerY = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
				SetPedArmour(ped, 100)
				SetPedAccuracy(ped, 25)
				SetPedSeeingRange(ped, 300.0)
				SetPedHearingRange(ped, 300.0)

				SetPedFleeAttributes(ped, 0, 0)
				SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 16, 1)
				SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 17, 0)
				SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 46, 1)
				SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 1424, 0)
				SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 5, 1)
				SetAmbientVoiceName(ped, "ALIENS")
				SetPedEnableWeaponBlocking(ped, true)
				SetPedRelationshipGroupHash(ped, GetHashKey("zombeez"))
				DisablePedPainAudio(ped, true)
				SetPedDiesInWater(ped, false)
				SetPedDiesWhenInjured(ped, false)
				if pedX < playerX - 70 or pedX > playerX + 70 or pedY < playerY - 70 or pedY > playerY + 70 then
					-- Set ped as no longer needed for despawning
					local model = GetEntityModel(ped)
					table.remove(peds, i)

AddEventHandler("Z:cleanup", function()
	for i, ped in pairs(peds) do
		-- Set ped as no longer needed for despawning
		local model = GetEntityModel(ped)

		table.remove(peds, i)	

I’m on my phone atm***

So basically you would have to make it so the zone is also looking for NPCs and when the npc is in the zone you set their health to 0.

My guess would be to use SetEntityHealth


thanks for answering so fast, I’ve been looking at what you said and nothing, I created this code:

        		if inzone == 1 then
            	SetEntityHealth(mPlayer(-1), 0) 

shouldnt you use " ped " ? It looks like ped is your zombies?

You could go something like

local x2,y2,z2 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(ped, true))
local dist2 = Vdist(zones[closestZone].x, zones[closestZone].y, zones[closestZone].z, x2, y2, z2)

if dist2 <= 50 then
    SetPedToRagdoll(ped, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    if IsPedRagdoll(ped) then

I really have no idea, never messed with npcs lol

It does not work, I do not know how to make it work, since I’m too noob in this and little by little I’m improving.
when you have 30 zombies that kill you with 2 blows … You understand my concern for the safe areas hahaha

If you are just trying to copy paste this somewhere in your code of course its not going to work. You have to mess about with it. You cant just throw it in my code and expect it to realize what a “zombie” is. You have to define it somewhere. And you cant just put this into your code because it doesnt know what a zone is. Youre gonna need to figure out how to identify the zombies in the zone code.

Hmm. Having some weird issues. For some reason people are able to shoot from the outside players inside.

Also, adjusting the radius doesn’t adjust the radius of the blue visual circle.

Can I add a blacklist group like police so police pfficers can point guns at people in safe zones?


So you will still be able to shoot into the zone. I have no idea how youd be able to even work out not being able to shoot at the zone. You wont be able to shoot people though. If they are in their car in the zone. Bullets can hit it. But it wont damage the vehicle. As for the circle. Look in the code, it’s all the way at the bottom, and re read the OP. It tells you exactly how to change the circle. @CakeArmy_Max

As for blacklisting, white listing, whatever, you will have to figure that out on your own till I get back into messing around with this. Havent been coding for a bit. On that rocket league grind :slight_smile:


What I was referring to is users can shoot and kill players that are inside the zone. I also did adjust the blue circles to my liking, just was making the OP aware in case they wanted to document scale.

how to add safezone different size at different location
for example
safezone at garage dist <= 50.0 and
safezone at hospital dist <=200.0