[Release] Roleplay Toolbox 2.0

Yes in the future, however I am incredibly busy atm so… not for a while.

Simply change the skin they are required to wear in the skins table or disable it. Instructions to do this are commented in the code.

Hey, we use the roleplay toolbox, amd i know you mentioned how to fix the β€œyou are not a cop” when doing anything leo oriented in game, but we cant find the leotable you mentioned. My head dev is haveing a hard time with it.

When I attempt to disable the whitelist, using the code you provided on line 78, the menu no longer works.

The code you provided is…
– [Whitelisting] To remove this add β€œβ€“[[” on line 77 and β€œβ€“]]” on line 213.

where do I go to change the button

I am new to FiveM server developing so I have a question, how do I add people to the Police, Fire and EMS
submenus? When people try and access such areas they get messages saying they aren’t part of that group. Do I have to add them via one of the config files or something?

i have a problem with the menu when any players joins my server the need to press m before the can look around with the mouse and then cloes the menu to fix it any fix on this.

What script do I need to register my officers as a Officer to use the LEO Toolbox

I am having the same issue as some people here. I followed what you said to unwhitelist. I also set it from

else if
if (

Though the menu still does not open. Does anyone know a fix to this?

Hmmm okay I will look into, just been really busy lately.


Roleplay Toolbox - No permissions

Since people have been having issues removing perms, I decided to release a no permissions version.



Works great now! Thanks!

I have tried to remove the code that stops people from moving when handcuffed and they still can not move. I even tried to just disable the code, Did not work
This is the correct lines, Correct?

	--DisableControlAction(0,32, false) -- W
	--DisableControlAction(0,33, false) -- S
        --DisableControlAction(0,34, false) -- A
	--DisableControlAction(0,35, false) -- D


Remove lines 1086 FreezeEntityPosition(ped, true) and 1102 FreezeEntityPosition(ped, false)

how do i approve cops?

Go to line 27 and add skins that you want people to be access the menu with, then once it game get into one of those leo skins in the array and you can access the different options.

Line 27 In server or client.lua

Citizen.CreateThread( function()
Citizen.Wait( 1000 )
local resourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()
SendNUIMessage( { resourcename = resourceName } )
end )

– Define the variable used to open/close the menu
local menuEnabled = false
local leoSkins = {

local fdSkins = {

like that

Not exactly no simply add more skins into the leoSkins array in the client

local leoSkins = {