[Release] Rocademption | Queue System


This is a standalone script for FiveM to add a queue-system on your server.

Instructions & Download: here



  • Système de rocade (file d’attente) intégrant un système de points,
  • Le joueur ayant le plus de points entre dès qu’une place se libère sur le serveur,
  • Les joueurs gagnent des points au fur et à mesure de leur attente sur la rocade,
  • Les joueurs perdent des points au fur et à mesure dès qu’ils entrent sur le serveur,
  • Accès privilégiés via steamid (points supplémentaires dès l’entrée sur la rocade),
  • Système d’emojis pour permettre une visibilité en cas de freeze client,
  • Système de loterie avec des points supplémentaires si 3 emojis identiques,
  • Système anti-spam,
  • Vérification de Steam ouvert.


  • Waiting/Queue list integrating a points system,
  • The player with the most points enters as soon as a place is released on the server,
  • Players gradually earn points as they wait on the queue list,
  • Players gradually lose points as soon as they enter in the server,
  • Privileged access with steamid (additional points) settable,
  • Emoji system to allow visibility in case of client freeze,
  • Lottery system with additional points if 3 identical emojis,
  • Anti-spam system,
  • Check if Steam is open.

Terms of use

  • Si vous utilisez cette rocade, merci de ne pas changer le nom de la ressource :heart:
  • If you use this queue system, please do not change the name of the resource :heart:


  • SatansTool
  • Delduwaht

Since you mentioned to disable hardcap, you can also just StopResource(‘hardcap’) or so :+1:

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Thanks for the reply, I’ll add that later.

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Excellent idea, I’ll try!

this is really really nice for alot of servers, thank you so much :slight_smile:


This looks really cool man! Good work!

does this have the same problem as many other queue systems where it stops updating queue if people spam cancel button while sitting on the queue?

As there is an anti-spam system, it won’t.
This queue system was tested and stress-tested before working like a charm during several months.

The only issue that can occur is the queue system stop updating client-sided. If the emojis are stuck, the client just have to leave and come back to the queue, without any other influence.


Sounds good :slight_smile: We’ll be checking it

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there are any way to work whit no steam open?

If you modify the last function to use GTA license instead of steamid, yes.

Hello the list only lets in 30 players and not 32 why? or how to make it 32 ?

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Yes he is right (20 char) @B-L-K

I have spoken to deldu about this problem and this is his reply guys

That means somebody crashed during the connection process and you have to wait the server to get the correct number of players. That can take up to 5 or 10min and it’s unfortunately related to some Fivem functions which are not updating instantly.

Can be due to split session or somebody stuck in the connection process. Normally, everything goes fine after a few minutes, when the player with a problem is correctly kicked out of the server (and the queue system).

This is amazing and we were able to get to 32/32 with no issue. Thank you so much!

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… what? That’s not a thing and especially not a thing ‘taking up to 5 or 10 minutes’.

This was deldu’s reply to me about the issue… Not what i said

I misspoked. The thing is there is nothing to check if a player is still in the connecting process or crashed before entering the server. Then, if something like that happens, it’s kinda hard to find the way to purge the problematic player from the queue.