[Release] Retired Police Vehicles


updated the v1.1 link!

links up bud
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The baller2 still has a red, drivers side, front wheel for me…

where is V1.2? :smile: :smile: :smile:

It it called ‘Car Hud’

??? what are you talking about

Hey! Great Job. Can You Add Some Amber Lights To Some, So Like A Stringer Vehicle?

Just waiting on V1.2 with more vehicles!!!

@OfficialV I know you couldn’t figure it out in the start but if this helps in any way, it seems the proper wheel for the FPIU is actually just beneath the red stationary tire.

As you can see when I turn the tires, the proper one gets exposed. I’m wondering if the creator simply added an extra tire by mistake and if so is it a simple or difficult task in ZModeler3 to remove said extra tire??? Let me know if this helps even a little bit… And hey where is 1.2 with more vehicles! :stuck_out_tongue:


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@OfficialV … well poop

I Decided to edit the textures on the tahoes to have the black bowtie as seen below it makes it look better and it was fairly easy to do.

shit well i guess i’m re-buying my Zmodeler 3 Monthly pack :wink: and attempt to fix it

I’m buying ZModeler hopefully soon <3 Expect a v3

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oh shit ok.
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i get paid by friday so maybe i can help :wink: you’ll have to either dm me at rhys19#2380 on discord or pm me on here with the files u used for zmodeler

I don’t actually have them saved, I just have the normal vehicles files. But I’m pretty sure there unlocked

Yeah, They are unlocked. I created my own retired pack so I can update it and help out the people, I got the explorer to work with the taurus rims

why is everyone so hyped up about this? Its a vehicle conversion thats all.


EXPECT A V3? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

i know their unlocked just didn’t know if he had the files at all. but i’d still have to buy zmodeler anyway which i will do at a later date :wink: