[Release] Realistic Vehicle Failure

im smashing cars left and right it keeps like fussing out and slowing down engine rebooting but it never dies? and even if i tap somthing lightly the engine turns off can i fix that?

https://gyazo.com/1088eb9dc494589e02dfa70fd2e34da9 see like this here hitting them car is shutting off back on not disableing but even the smallest of taps = car off

how do I set it so you dont have to be white listed to repair the vehicles?

In config.lua change

RepairEveryoneWhitelisted = true


RepairEveryoneWhitelisted = false

i already have set it to false but it still says you dont have the permissions to repair vehicles

RepairEveryoneWhitelisted = false
RepairWhitelist =
	"ip:"			-- not sure if ip whitelist works?

Try changing it to true if you haven’t already.

found out what it was,

I changed the server.lua from

local function checkWhitelist(id)
	for key, value in pairs(RepairWhitelist) do
		if id == value then
			return true
	return false

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, _, message)
	local msg = string.lower(message)
	local identifier = GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[1]
	if msg == "/fix" then
		if RepairEveryoneWhitelisted == true then
			TriggerClientEvent('iens:repair', source)
			if checkWhitelist(identifier) then
				TriggerClientEvent('iens:repair', source)
				TriggerClientEvent('iens:notAllowed', source)


local function checkWhitelist(id)
	for key, value in pairs(RepairWhitelist) do
		if id == value then
			return true
	return false

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, _, message)
	local msg = string.lower(message)
	local identifier = GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[1]
	if msg == "/fix" then
		if RepairEveryoneWhitelisted == false then
			TriggerClientEvent('iens:repair', source)
			if checkWhitelist(identifier) then
				TriggerClientEvent('iens:repair', source)
				TriggerClientEvent('iens:notAllowed', source)

and that seemed to work

It’s possible to change the fuel consumption with this script?

Hi !
local damageFactorEngine = 0.01 or 100.0 - this line doesnt work in config file . One hit and cars engine dead , no metter what i wrote in this line (

Thanks for this, using this on my ESX server :slight_smile:

Is there a way to disable the Tyre Burst please?

randomTireBurstInterval = 0 in config.lua

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Thank you. [20 C H A R A C]

Hello all! :smiley:
Is there a way to add a wait timer of like say 10 or 20 seconds on the repair process at the mechanic?

Replace your server.lua file with this:

--	iEnsomatic RealisticVehicleFailure  --
--	Created by Jens Sandalgaard
--	This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
--	https://github.com/iEns/RealisticVehicleFailure

local function checkWhitelist(id)
	for key, value in pairs(RepairWhitelist) do
		if id == value then
			return true
	return false

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, _, message)
	local msg = string.lower(message)
	local identifier = GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[1]
	if msg == "/repair" then
        Citizen.Wait(10000) -- 10 second delay
		if RepairEveryoneWhitelisted == true then
			TriggerClientEvent('iens:repair', source)
			if checkWhitelist(identifier) then
				TriggerClientEvent('iens:repair', source)
				TriggerClientEvent('iens:notAllowed', source)
1 Like

Hey all, Is there any way to fix the conflict with RealisticVehicleFailure and AIO Menu / Engine Off commands? I saw earlier that @SLuG fixed his issue with the engine script however he did not elaborate to how he did it. The fuel plugin we have successfully turns the engine off however any other script we use doesn’t work. Any help would be much appreciated.

We have tried running in Compat mode and loading RVF before and after and neither fixes our issue.

Im not sure what I did to fix it it just magically started working after a fivem update. It is back to doing the same thing though. Toggle engine OFF just kicks it right back on. During refueling the car just keeps trying to start over and over. Hoping one of these fivem updates will fix it lol

We are using FR Fuel and it is working perfectly with RVF however the AIO menu doesn’t keep the engine off. it turns on instantly. We tried changing the load order on the plugins to no resolve. Not sure what else we can do. Would be cool if we could find a way to implement an engine off command/script into RVF however idk how to go about that.

Thanks for that but this server.lua is making you wait 10 seconds per each /repair command. I was looking for only a wait at the mechanic location. The temp fix should be instant but the repair at the mechanic should be a 10 second wait. Also its not notifying users of the 10 second wait.

Looking to add more messages for when the mechanic fixes the vehicle, instead of the one. I attempted to modify it myself and failed. Anyway a new update can have them? Thanks.