[Release] Realistic Vehicle Failure

M Menu, manual transmission mod, and simple trainer. And Yes

I would try it on itā€™s own and then if I recall correctly there is a engine option in simple trainer that may be constantly fixing it thatā€™s not God mode.

What is that option?

If Iā€™m remembering right itā€™s someone in the vehicle options. I apologize I am at work and unable to look at this time. But when I get home later I will try to look.

I have looked in Simple Trainer and couldnā€™t find what I thought was gonna be in there. I did find in my Lambda menu a no mechanical damage option but you said you do not use that menu. I am leaning towards it being a conflict with another script you have running with it. I suggest disabling all other mods and try just the damage mod and see how it behaves.

Is there a way to make it so someone can only repair their car once before it gets ā€œtoo badly damagedā€ instead of three?

Is it possible to adjust individual strengths? Because of all the scripts I have tried have had too week engines and too strong bodies for my taste.

Really nice script, but can you do something about not being able to drive without releasing and pressing gas while reversing / and the other way around? Only some cars from 1960 have this problem with non-synced 1st gear which requires the car to be completely still while shifting to 1st.

there is an option for it :wink:

	sundayDriver = false,						-- If true, the accelerator response is scaled to enable easy slow driving. Will not prevent full throttle. Does not work with binary accelerators like a keyboard. Set to false to disable. The included stop-without-reversing and brake-light-hold feature does also work for keyboards.


is there away to add a charge and a timer to the /repair ??

yesā€¦pretty easy just code it in.

im no coder lol
but thanks for your reply

1 Like

(probably wrong topic) but I was wondering if there is a way to disable fixing their vehicle through a trainer? Probably not but thought Iā€™d ask.

The car never FULLY breaks and doesnt explode, anyone knows why?

--	iEnsomatic RealisticVehicleFailure  --
--	Created by Jens Sandalgaard
--	This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
--	https://github.com/iEns/RealisticVehicleFailure

-- Configuration:

-- IMPORTANT: Some of these values MUST be defined as a floating point number. ie. 10.0 instead of 10

cfg = {
	deformationMultiplier = -1,					-- How much should the vehicle visually deform from a collision. Range 0.0 to 10.0 Where 0.0 is no deformation and 10.0 is 10x deformation. -1 = Don't touch. Visual damage does not sync well to other players.
	deformationExponent = 0.4,					-- How much should the handling file deformation setting be compressed toward 1.0. (Make cars more similar). A value of 1=no change. Lower values will compress more, values above 1 it will expand. Dont set to zero or negative.
	collisionDamageExponent = 0.6,				-- How much should the handling file deformation setting be compressed toward 1.0. (Make cars more similar). A value of 1=no change. Lower values will compress more, values above 1 it will expand. Dont set to zero or negative.

	damageFactorEngine = 10.0,					-- Sane values are 1 to 100. Higher values means more damage to vehicle. A good starting point is 10
	damageFactorBody = 10.0,					-- Sane values are 1 to 100. Higher values means more damage to vehicle. A good starting point is 10
	damageFactorPetrolTank = 64.0,				-- Sane values are 1 to 200. Higher values means more damage to vehicle. A good starting point is 64
	engineDamageExponent = 0.6,					-- How much should the handling file engine damage setting be compressed toward 1.0. (Make cars more similar). A value of 1=no change. Lower values will compress more, values above 1 it will expand. Dont set to zero or negative.
	weaponsDamageMultiplier = 0.01,				-- How much damage should the vehicle get from weapons fire. Range 0.0 to 10.0, where 0.0 is no damage and 10.0 is 10x damage. -1 = don't touch
	degradingHealthSpeedFactor = 10,			-- Speed of slowly degrading health, but not failure. Value of 10 means that it will take about 0.25 second per health point, so degradation from 800 to 305 will take about 2 minutes of clean driving. Higher values means faster degradation
	cascadingFailureSpeedFactor = 8.0,			-- Sane values are 1 to 100. When vehicle health drops below a certain point, cascading failure sets in, and the health drops rapidly until the vehicle dies. Higher values means faster failure. A good starting point is 8

	degradingFailureThreshold = 800.0,			-- Below this value, slow health degradation will set in
	cascadingFailureThreshold = 360.0,			-- Below this value, health cascading failure will set in
	engineSafeGuard = 100.0,					-- Final failure value. Set it too high, and the vehicle won't smoke when disabled. Set too low, and the car will catch fire from a single bullet to the engine. At health 100 a typical car can take 3-4 bullets to the engine before catching fire.

	torqueMultiplierEnabled = true,				-- Decrease engine torque as engine gets more and more damaged

	limpMode = false,							-- If true, the engine never fails completely, so you will always be able to get to a mechanic unless you flip your vehicle and preventVehicleFlip is set to true
	limpModeMultiplier = 0.15,					-- The torque multiplier to use when vehicle is limping. Sane values are 0.05 to 0.25

	preventVehicleFlip = true,					-- If true, you can't turn over an upside down vehicle

	sundayDriver = true,						-- If true, the accelerator response is scaled to enable easy slow driving. Will not prevent full throttle. Does not work with binary accelerators like a keyboard. Set to false to disable. The included stop-without-reversing and brake-light-hold feature does also work for keyboards.
	sundayDriverAcceleratorCurve = 7.5,			-- The response curve to apply to the accelerator. Range 0.0 to 10.0. Higher values enables easier slow driving, meaning more pressure on the throttle is required to accelerate forward. Does nothing for keyboard drivers
	sundayDriverBrakeCurve = 5.0,				-- The response curve to apply to the Brake. Range 0.0 to 10.0. Higher values enables easier braking, meaning more pressure on the throttle is required to brake hard. Does nothing for keyboard drivers

	displayBlips = false,						-- Show blips for mechanics locations

	compatibilityMode = false,					-- prevents other scripts from modifying the fuel tank health to avoid random engine failure with BVA 2.01 (Downside is it disabled explosion prevention)

	randomTireBurstInterval = 0,				-- Number of minutes (statistically, not precisely) to drive above 22 mph before you get a tire puncture. 0=feature is disabled

	-- Class Damagefactor Multiplier
	-- The damageFactor for engine, body and Petroltank will be multiplied by this value, depending on vehicle class
	-- Use it to increase or decrease damage for each class

	classDamageMultiplier = {
		[0] = 	1.0,		--	0: Compacts
				1.0,		--	1: Sedans
				1.0,		--	2: SUVs
				1.0,		--	3: Coupes
				1.0,		--	4: Muscle
				1.0,		--	5: Sports Classics
				1.0,		--	6: Sports
				1.0,		--	7: Super
				0.25,		--	8: Motorcycles
				0.7,		--	9: Off-road
				0.25,		--	10: Industrial
				1.0,		--	11: Utility
				1.0,		--	12: Vans
				1.0,		--	13: Cycles
				0.5,		--	14: Boats
				1.0,		--	15: Helicopters
				1.0,		--	16: Planes
				1.0,		--	17: Service
				0.75,		--	18: Emergency
				0.75,		--	19: Military
				1.0,		--	20: Commercial
				1.0			--	21: Trains


	-- Alternate configuration values provided by ImDylan93 - Vehicles can take more damage before failure, and the balance between vehicles has been tweaked.
	-- To use: comment out the settings above, and uncomment this section.

cfg = {

	deformationMultiplier = -1,					-- How much should the vehicle visually deform from a collision. Range 0.0 to 10.0 Where 0.0 is no deformation and 10.0 is 10x deformation. -1 = Don't touch
	deformationExponent = 3.0,					-- How much should the handling file deformation setting be compressed toward 1.0. (Make cars more similar). A value of 1=no change. Lower values will compress more, values above 1 it will expand. Dont set to zero or negative.
	collisionDamageExponent = 1.0,				-- How much should the handling file deformation setting be compressed toward 1.0. (Make cars more similar). A value of 1=no change. Lower values will compress more, values above 1 it will expand. Dont set to zero or negative.

	damageFactorEngine = 2.1,					-- Sane values are 1 to 100. Higher values means more damage to vehicle. A good starting point is 10
	damageFactorBody = 7.1,						-- Sane values are 1 to 100. Higher values means more damage to vehicle. A good starting point is 10
	damageFactorPetrolTank = 71.0,				-- Sane values are 1 to 100. Higher values means more damage to vehicle. A good starting point is 64
	engineDamageExponent = 1.0,					-- How much should the handling file engine damage setting be compressed toward 1.0. (Make cars more similar). A value of 1=no change. Lower values will compress more, values above 1 it will expand. Dont set to zero or negative.
	weaponsDamageMultiplier = 0.124,			-- How much damage should the vehicle get from weapons fire. Range 0.0 to 10.0, where 0.0 is no damage and 10.0 is 10x damage. -1 = don't touch
	degradingHealthSpeedFactor = 7.4,			-- Speed of slowly degrading health, but not failure. Value of 10 means that it will take about 0.25 second per health point, so degradation from 800 to 305 will take about 2 minutes of clean driving. Higher values means faster degradation
	cascadingFailureSpeedFactor = 1.5,			-- Sane values are 1 to 100. When vehicle health drops below a certain point, cascading failure sets in, and the health drops rapidly until the vehicle dies. Higher values means faster failure. A good starting point is 8

	degradingFailureThreshold = 500.0,			-- Below this value, slow health degradation will set in
	cascadingFailureThreshold = 100.0,			-- Below this value, health cascading failure will set in
	engineSafeGuard = 1.0,					-- Final failure value. Set it too high, and the vehicle won't smoke when disabled. Set too low, and the car will catch fire from a single bullet to the engine. At health 100 a typical car can take 3-4 bullets to the engine before catching fire.

	torqueMultiplierEnabled = true,				-- Decrease engine torge as engine gets more and more damaged

	limpMode = false,							-- If true, the engine never fails completely, so you will always be able to get to a mechanic unless you flip your vehicle and preventVehicleFlip is set to true
	limpModeMultiplier = 0.15,					-- The torque multiplier to use when vehicle is limping. Sane values are 0.05 to 0.25

	preventVehicleFlip = true,					-- If true, you can't turn over an upside down vehicle

	sundayDriver = false,						-- If true, the accelerator response is scaled to enable easy slow driving. Will not prevent full throttle. Does not work with binary accelerators like a keyboard. Set to false to disable. The included stop-without-reversing and brake-light-hold feature does also work for keyboards.
	sundayDriverAcceleratorCurve = 7.5,			-- The response curve to apply to the accelerator. Range 0.0 to 10.0. Higher values enables easier slow driving, meaning more pressure on the throttle is required to accelerate forward. Does nothing for keyboard drivers
	sundayDriverBrakeCurve = 5.0,				-- The response curve to apply to the Brake. Range 0.0 to 10.0. Higher values enables easier braking, meaning more pressure on the throttle is required to brake hard. Does nothing for keyboard drivers

	displayBlips = false,						-- Show blips for mechanics locations

        randomTireBurstInterval = 0,

	classDamageMultiplier = {
		[0] = 	1.0,		--	0: Compacts
				1.0,		--	1: Sedans
				1.0,		--	2: SUVs
				0.95,		--	3: Coupes
				1.0,		--	4: Muscle
				0.95,		--	5: Sports Classics
				0.95,		--	6: Sports
				0.95,		--	7: Super
				0.27,		--	8: Motorcycles
				0.7,		--	9: Off-road
				0.25,		--	10: Industrial
				0.35,		--	11: Utility
				0.85,		--	12: Vans
				1.0,		--	13: Cycles
				0.4,		--	14: Boats
				0.1,		--	15: Helicopters
				0.7,		--	16: Planes
				0.75,		--	17: Service
				0.85,		--	18: Emergency
				0.67,		--	19: Military
				0.43,		--	20: Commercial
				1.0			--	21: Trains

-- End of Main Configuration

-- Configure Repair system

-- id=446 for wrench icon, id=72 for spraycan icon

repairCfg = {
	mechanics = {
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=25.0, x=-337.0,  y=-135.0,  z=39.0},	-- LSC Burton
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=25.0, x=-1155.0, y=-2007.0, z=13.0},	-- LSC by airport
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=25.0, x=734.0,   y=-1085.0, z=22.0},	-- LSC La Mesa
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=25.0, x=1177.0,  y=2640.0,  z=37.0},	-- LSC Harmony
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=25.0, x=108.0,   y=6624.0,  z=31.0},	-- LSC Paleto Bay
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=18.0, x=538.0,   y=-183.0,  z=54.0},	-- Mechanic Hawic
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=15.0, x=1774.0,  y=3333.0,  z=41.0},	-- Mechanic Sandy Shores Airfield
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=15.0, x=1143.0,  y=-776.0,  z=57.0},	-- Mechanic Mirror Park
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=30.0, x=2508.0,  y=4103.0,  z=38.0},	-- Mechanic East Joshua Rd.
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=16.0, x=2006.0,  y=3792.0,  z=32.0},	-- Mechanic Sandy Shores gas station
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=25.0, x=484.0,   y=-1316.0, z=29.0},	-- Hayes Auto, Little Bighorn Ave.
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=33.0, x=-1419.0, y=-450.0,  z=36.0},	-- Hayes Auto Body Shop, Del Perro
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=33.0, x=268.0,   y=-1810.0, z=27.0},	-- Hayes Auto Body Shop, Davis
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=24.0, x=288.0,   y=-1730.0, z=29.0},	-- Hayes Auto, Rancho (Disabled, looks like a warehouse for the Davis branch)
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=27.0, x=1915.0,  y=3729.0,  z=32.0},	-- Otto's Auto Parts, Sandy Shores
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=45.0, x=-29.0,   y=-1665.0, z=29.0},	-- Mosley Auto Service, Strawberry
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=44.0, x=-212.0,  y=-1378.0, z=31.0},	-- Glass Heroes, Strawberry
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=33.0, x=258.0,   y=2594.0,  z=44.0},	-- Mechanic Harmony
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=18.0, x=-32.0,   y=-1090.0, z=26.0},	-- Simeons
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=25.0, x=-211.0,  y=-1325.0, z=31.0},	-- Bennys
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=25.0, x=903.0,   y=3563.0,  z=34.0},	-- Auto Repair, Grand Senora Desert
	--	{name="Mechanic", id=446, r=25.0, x=437.0,   y=3568.0,  z=38.0}		-- Auto Shop, Grand Senora Desert

	fixMessages = {
		"Skleiles kabelki, pyk dziala jak nowe",
		"Cos tam sie wylewalo ale juz nie, chyba dobrze?",
		"Dwa kopy w silnik i dalej dziala",
		"Czary mary hokus pokus, dziala... Powinno przynajmniej",
		"Pokrzyczales na samochod, ludzie sie patrzeli ale dziala",
		"Naplules na deske, auto sie obrazilo i dziala",
		"Uzyles TASME KLEJACA - Jest bardzo efektowna"
	fixMessageCount = 7,

	noFixMessages = {
		"No dalej cos tam sie wylewa ale jedzie",
		"Silnik wyglada spoko",
		"Sprawdziles i tasma klejaca dalej klei",
		"Podglosiles radio. Nie slychac juz tych niepokojacych dzwiekow",
		"Nie widze problemu. Jedzie to jedzie",
		"Nie naprawiaj co nie jest popsute, nie sluchales. Ale chociaz nie jest gorzej"
	noFixMessageCount = 6

RepairEveryoneWhitelisted = true
RepairWhitelist =
	"ip:"			-- not sure if ip whitelist works?


--	iEnsomatic RealisticVehicleFailure  --
--	Created by Jens Sandalgaard
--	This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
--	https://github.com/iEns/RealisticVehicleFailure

local pedInSameVehicleLast=false
local vehicle
local lastVehicle
local vehicleClass
local fCollisionDamageMult = 0.0
local fDeformationDamageMult = 0.0
local fEngineDamageMult = 0.0
local fBrakeForce = 1.0
local isBrakingForward = false
local isBrakingReverse = false

local healthEngineLast = 1000.0
local healthEngineCurrent = 1000.0
local healthEngineNew = 1000.0
local healthEngineDelta = 0.0
local healthEngineDeltaScaled = 0.0

local healthBodyLast = 1000.0
local healthBodyCurrent = 1000.0
local healthBodyNew = 1000.0
local healthBodyDelta = 0.0
local healthBodyDeltaScaled = 0.0

local healthPetrolTankLast = 1000.0
local healthPetrolTankCurrent = 1000.0
local healthPetrolTankNew = 1000.0
local healthPetrolTankDelta = 0.0
local healthPetrolTankDeltaScaled = 0.0
local tireBurstLuckyNumber


local tireBurstMaxNumber = cfg.randomTireBurstInterval * 1200; 												-- the tire burst lottery runs roughly 1200 times per minute
if cfg.randomTireBurstInterval ~= 0 then tireBurstLuckyNumber = math.random(tireBurstMaxNumber) end			-- If we hit this number again randomly, a tire will burst.

local fixMessagePos = math.random(repairCfg.fixMessageCount)
local noFixMessagePos = math.random(repairCfg.noFixMessageCount)

-- Display blips on map
	if (cfg.displayBlips == true) then
		for _, item in pairs(repairCfg.mechanics) do
			item.blip = AddBlipForCoord(item.x, item.y, item.z)
			SetBlipSprite(item.blip, item.id)
			SetBlipAsShortRange(item.blip, true)

local function notification(msg)
	DrawNotification(false, false)

local function isPedDrivingAVehicle()
	local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
	vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
	if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then
		-- Check if ped is in driver seat
		if GetPedInVehicleSeat(vehicle, -1) == ped then
			local class = GetVehicleClass(vehicle)
			-- We don't want planes, helicopters, bicycles and trains
			if class ~= 15 and class ~= 16 and class ~=21 and class ~=13 then
				return true
	return false

local function IsNearMechanic()
	local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
	local pedLocation = GetEntityCoords(ped, 0)
	for _, item in pairs(repairCfg.mechanics) do
		local distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(item.x, item.y, item.z,  pedLocation["x"], pedLocation["y"], pedLocation["z"], true)
		if distance <= item.r then
			return true

local function fscale(inputValue, originalMin, originalMax, newBegin, newEnd, curve)
	local OriginalRange = 0.0
	local NewRange = 0.0
	local zeroRefCurVal = 0.0
	local normalizedCurVal = 0.0
	local rangedValue = 0.0
	local invFlag = 0

	if (curve > 10.0) then curve = 10.0 end
	if (curve < -10.0) then curve = -10.0 end

	curve = (curve * -.1)
	curve = 10.0 ^ curve

	if (inputValue < originalMin) then
	  inputValue = originalMin
	if inputValue > originalMax then
	  inputValue = originalMax

	OriginalRange = originalMax - originalMin

	if (newEnd > newBegin) then
		NewRange = newEnd - newBegin
	  NewRange = newBegin - newEnd
	  invFlag = 1

	zeroRefCurVal = inputValue - originalMin
	normalizedCurVal  =  zeroRefCurVal / OriginalRange

	if (originalMin > originalMax ) then
	  return 0

	if (invFlag == 0) then
		rangedValue =  ((normalizedCurVal ^ curve) * NewRange) + newBegin
		rangedValue =  newBegin - ((normalizedCurVal ^ curve) * NewRange)

	return rangedValue

local function tireBurstLottery()
	local tireBurstNumber = math.random(tireBurstMaxNumber)
	if tireBurstNumber == tireBurstLuckyNumber then
		-- We won the lottery, lets burst a tire.
		if GetVehicleTyresCanBurst(vehicle) == false then return end
		local numWheels = GetVehicleNumberOfWheels(vehicle)
		local affectedTire
		if numWheels == 2 then
			affectedTire = (math.random(2)-1)*4		-- wheel 0 or 4
		elseif numWheels == 4 then
			affectedTire = (math.random(4)-1)
			if affectedTire > 1 then affectedTire = affectedTire + 2 end	-- 0, 1, 4, 5
		elseif numWheels == 6 then
			affectedTire = (math.random(6)-1)
			affectedTire = 0
		SetVehicleTyreBurst(vehicle, affectedTire, false, 1000.0)
		tireBurstLuckyNumber = math.random(tireBurstMaxNumber)			-- Select a new number to hit, just in case some numbers occur more often than others

AddEventHandler('iens:repair', function()
	if isPedDrivingAVehicle() then
		local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
		if IsNearMechanic() then
			SetVehicleEngineOn(vehicle, true, false )
			notification("~g~The mechanic repaired your car!")
		if GetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle) < cfg.cascadingFailureThreshold + 5 then
			if GetVehicleOilLevel(vehicle) > 0 then
				SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, cfg.cascadingFailureThreshold + 5)
				SetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(vehicle, 750.0)
				healthEngineLast=cfg.cascadingFailureThreshold +5
					SetVehicleEngineOn(vehicle, true, false )
				notification("~g~" .. repairCfg.fixMessages[fixMessagePos] .. ", teraz do mechanika!")
				fixMessagePos = fixMessagePos + 1
				if fixMessagePos > repairCfg.fixMessageCount then fixMessagePos = 1 end
				notification("~r~Ten pojazd jest na straty. Nie ma jak naprawic!")
			notification("~y~" .. repairCfg.noFixMessages[noFixMessagePos] )
			noFixMessagePos = noFixMessagePos + 1
			if noFixMessagePos > repairCfg.noFixMessageCount then noFixMessagePos = 1 end
		notification("~y~Musisz byc w pojezdzie aby go naprawic")

AddEventHandler('iens:notAllowed', function()
	notification("~r~You don't have permission to repair vehicles")

if cfg.torqueMultiplierEnabled or cfg.preventVehicleFlip or cfg.limpMode then
		while true do
			if cfg.torqueMultiplierEnabled or cfg.sundayDriver or cfg.limpMode then
				if pedInSameVehicleLast then
					local factor = 1.0
					if cfg.torqueMultiplierEnabled and healthEngineNew < 900 then
						factor = (healthEngineNew+200.0) / 1100
					if cfg.sundayDriver and GetVehicleClass(vehicle) ~= 14 then -- Not for boats
						local accelerator = GetControlValue(2,71)
						local brake = GetControlValue(2,72)
						local speed = GetEntitySpeedVector(vehicle, true)['y']
						-- Change Braking force
						local brk = fBrakeForce
						if speed >= 1.0 then
							-- Going forward
							if accelerator > 127 then
								-- Forward and accelerating
								local acc = fscale(accelerator, 127.0, 254.0, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0-(cfg.sundayDriverAcceleratorCurve*2.0))
								factor = factor * acc
							if brake > 127 then
								-- Forward and braking
								isBrakingForward = true
								brk = fscale(brake, 127.0, 254.0, 0.01, fBrakeForce, 10.0-(cfg.sundayDriverBrakeCurve*2.0))
						elseif speed <= -1.0 then
							-- Going reverse
							if brake > 127 then
								-- Reversing and accelerating (using the brake)
								local rev = fscale(brake, 127.0, 254.0, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0-(cfg.sundayDriverAcceleratorCurve*2.0))
								factor = factor * rev
							if accelerator > 127 then
								-- Reversing and braking (Using the accelerator)
								isBrakingReverse = true
								brk = fscale(accelerator, 127.0, 254.0, 0.01, fBrakeForce, 10.0-(cfg.sundayDriverBrakeCurve*2.0))
							-- Stopped or almost stopped or sliding sideways
							local entitySpeed = GetEntitySpeed(vehicle)
							if entitySpeed < 1 then
								-- Not sliding sideways
								if isBrakingForward == true then
									--Stopped or going slightly forward while braking
									DisableControlAction(2,72,true) -- Disable Brake until user lets go of brake
								if isBrakingReverse == true then
									--Stopped or going slightly in reverse while braking
									DisableControlAction(2,71,true) -- Disable reverse Brake until user lets go of reverse brake (Accelerator)
								if isBrakingForward == true and GetDisabledControlNormal(2,72) == 0 then
									-- We let go of the brake
								if isBrakingReverse == true and GetDisabledControlNormal(2,71) == 0 then
									-- We let go of the reverse brake (Accelerator)
						if brk > fBrakeForce - 0.02 then brk = fBrakeForce end -- Make sure we can brake max.
						SetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fBrakeForce', brk)  -- Set new Brake Force multiplier
					if cfg.limpMode == true and healthEngineNew < cfg.engineSafeGuard + 5 then
						factor = cfg.limpModeMultiplier
					SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(vehicle, factor)
			if cfg.preventVehicleFlip then
				local roll = GetEntityRoll(vehicle)
				if (roll > 75.0 or roll < -75.0) and GetEntitySpeed(vehicle) < 2 then
					DisableControlAction(2,59,true) -- Disable left/right
					DisableControlAction(2,60,true) -- Disable up/down

	while true do
		local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		if isPedDrivingAVehicle() then
			vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
			vehicleClass = GetVehicleClass(vehicle)
			healthEngineCurrent = GetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle)
			if healthEngineCurrent == 1000 then healthEngineLast = 1000.0 end
			healthEngineNew = healthEngineCurrent
			healthEngineDelta = healthEngineLast - healthEngineCurrent
			healthEngineDeltaScaled = healthEngineDelta * cfg.damageFactorEngine * cfg.classDamageMultiplier[vehicleClass]

			healthBodyCurrent = GetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle)
			if healthBodyCurrent == 1000 then healthBodyLast = 1000.0 end
			healthBodyNew = healthBodyCurrent
			healthBodyDelta = healthBodyLast - healthBodyCurrent
			healthBodyDeltaScaled = healthBodyDelta * cfg.damageFactorBody * cfg.classDamageMultiplier[vehicleClass]

			healthPetrolTankCurrent = GetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(vehicle)
			if cfg.compatibilityMode and healthPetrolTankCurrent < 1 then
				--	SetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(vehicle, healthPetrolTankLast)
				--	healthPetrolTankCurrent = healthPetrolTankLast
				healthPetrolTankLast = healthPetrolTankCurrent
			if healthPetrolTankCurrent == 1000 then healthPetrolTankLast = 1000.0 end
			healthPetrolTankNew = healthPetrolTankCurrent
			healthPetrolTankDelta = healthPetrolTankLast-healthPetrolTankCurrent
			healthPetrolTankDeltaScaled = healthPetrolTankDelta * cfg.damageFactorPetrolTank * cfg.classDamageMultiplier[vehicleClass]

			if healthEngineCurrent > cfg.engineSafeGuard+1 then

			if healthEngineCurrent == cfg.engineSafeGuard then

			-- If ped spawned a new vehicle while in a vehicle or teleported from one vehicle to another, handle as if we just entered the car
			if vehicle ~= lastVehicle then
				pedInSameVehicleLast = false

			if pedInSameVehicleLast == true then
				-- Damage happened while in the car = can be multiplied

				-- Only do calculations if any damage is present on the car. Prevents weird behavior when fixing using trainer or other script
				if healthEngineCurrent ~= 1000.0 or healthBodyCurrent ~= 1000.0 or healthPetrolTankCurrent ~= 1000.0 then

					-- Combine the delta values (Get the largest of the three)
					local healthEngineCombinedDelta = math.max(healthEngineDeltaScaled, healthBodyDeltaScaled, healthPetrolTankDeltaScaled)

					-- If huge damage, scale back a bit
					if healthEngineCombinedDelta > (healthEngineCurrent - cfg.engineSafeGuard) then
						healthEngineCombinedDelta = healthEngineCombinedDelta * 0.7

					-- If complete damage, but not catastrophic (ie. explosion territory) pull back a bit, to give a couple of seconds og engine runtime before dying
					if healthEngineCombinedDelta > healthEngineCurrent then
						--healthEngineCombinedDelta = healthEngineCurrent - (cfg.cascadingFailureThreshold / 5)

					------- Calculate new value

					healthEngineNew = healthEngineLast - healthEngineCombinedDelta

					------- Sanity Check on new values and further manipulations

					-- If somewhat damaged, slowly degrade until slightly before cascading failure sets in, then stop

					if healthEngineNew > (cfg.cascadingFailureThreshold + 5) and healthEngineNew < cfg.degradingFailureThreshold then
						healthEngineNew = healthEngineNew-(0.038 * cfg.degradingHealthSpeedFactor)

					-- If Damage is near catastrophic, cascade the failure
					if healthEngineNew < cfg.cascadingFailureThreshold then
						healthEngineNew = healthEngineNew-(0.1 * cfg.cascadingFailureSpeedFactor)

					-- Prevent Engine going to or below zero. Ensures you can reenter a damaged car.
					if healthEngineNew < cfg.engineSafeGuard then
						healthEngineNew = cfg.engineSafeGuard

					-- Prevent Explosions
					if cfg.compatibilityMode == false and healthPetrolTankCurrent < 750 then
						--healthPetrolTankNew = 750.0

					-- Prevent negative body damage.
					if healthBodyNew < 0  then
						--healthBodyNew = 0.0
				-- Just got in the vehicle. Damage can not be multiplied this round
				-- Set vehicle handling data
				fDeformationDamageMult = GetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fDeformationDamageMult')
				fBrakeForce = GetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fBrakeForce')
				local newFDeformationDamageMult = fDeformationDamageMult ^ cfg.deformationExponent	-- Pull the handling file value closer to 1
				if cfg.deformationMultiplier ~= -1 then SetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fDeformationDamageMult', newFDeformationDamageMult * cfg.deformationMultiplier) end  -- Multiply by our factor
				if cfg.weaponsDamageMultiplier ~= -1 then SetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fWeaponDamageMult', cfg.weaponsDamageMultiplier/cfg.damageFactorBody) end -- Set weaponsDamageMultiplier and compensate for damageFactorBody

				--Get the CollisionDamageMultiplier
				fCollisionDamageMult = GetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fCollisionDamageMult')
				--Modify it by pulling all number a towards 1.0
				local newFCollisionDamageMultiplier = fCollisionDamageMult ^ cfg.collisionDamageExponent	-- Pull the handling file value closer to 1
				SetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fCollisionDamageMult', newFCollisionDamageMultiplier)

				--Get the EngineDamageMultiplier
				fEngineDamageMult = GetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fEngineDamageMult')
				--Modify it by pulling all number a towards 1.0
				local newFEngineDamageMult = fEngineDamageMult ^ cfg.engineDamageExponent	-- Pull the handling file value closer to 1
				SetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fEngineDamageMult', newFEngineDamageMult)

				-- If body damage catastrophic, reset somewhat so we can get new damage to multiply
				if healthBodyCurrent < cfg.cascadingFailureThreshold then
					healthBodyNew = cfg.cascadingFailureThreshold
				pedInSameVehicleLast = true

			-- set the actual new values
			if healthEngineNew ~= healthEngineCurrent then
				SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, healthEngineNew)
			if healthBodyNew ~= healthBodyCurrent then SetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle, healthBodyNew) end
			if healthPetrolTankNew ~= healthPetrolTankCurrent then SetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(vehicle, healthPetrolTankNew) end

			-- Store current values, so we can calculate delta next time around
			healthEngineLast = healthEngineNew
			healthBodyLast = healthBodyNew
			healthPetrolTankLast = healthPetrolTankNew
			if cfg.randomTireBurstInterval ~= 0 and GetEntitySpeed(vehicle) > 10 then tireBurstLottery() end
			if pedInSameVehicleLast == true then
				-- We just got out of the vehicle
				lastVehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, true)				
				if cfg.deformationMultiplier ~= -1 then SetVehicleHandlingFloat(lastVehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fDeformationDamageMult', fDeformationDamageMult) end -- Restore deformation multiplier
				SetVehicleHandlingFloat(lastVehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fBrakeForce', fBrakeForce)  -- Restore Brake Force multiplier
				if cfg.weaponsDamageMultiplier ~= -1 then SetVehicleHandlingFloat(lastVehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fWeaponDamageMult', cfg.weaponsDamageMultiplier) end	-- Since we are out of the vehicle, we should no longer compensate for bodyDamageFactor
				SetVehicleHandlingFloat(lastVehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fCollisionDamageMult', fCollisionDamageMult) -- Restore the original CollisionDamageMultiplier
				SetVehicleHandlingFloat(lastVehicle, 'CHandlingData', 'fEngineDamageMult', fEngineDamageMult) -- Restore the original EngineDamageMultiplier
			pedInSameVehicleLast = false

is there a string of code you can add or modify to make it be a time on fixing the car at a mechanic? like 10-20 sec for it to be done?

Does ELS work on v1.1.1?

I could really use some help with this. I changed whitelist to ā€œFalseā€ but when i pull a vehicle into a marked area to repair, thereā€™s nothing. No prompt and nothing happens if i try to spam. How can I get this to work properly? I just want people to have to pay $xx.xx to repair their vehicles in my server

Great scriiipt! Love it, makes rp so much funnier!

is it possible to make /repair only available when there is no mechanic online?

Everything is possible